Load of...


Ok. So, you answered one question, kind of. (I take it you do not believe it is a literal truth even though you posted that the world was made in 6 days 6000 years ago and because the bible said it that we should believe it) What about the others? Have you ever read any other religious texts? (Also, I think you mean fallible, infallible means that men are never wrong in the context you put it)

I've read the Quran.


funny muslims believe that the Qu'uran was dictated verbatim by an archagel which would be closer to the source than the Bible (which steals from Babylonian Summerian and Egyptian myths)


funny muslims believe that the Qu'uran was dictated verbatim by an archagel which would be closer to the source than the Bible (which steals from Babylonian Summerian and Egyptian myths)

I know, right? makes no sense. Those crazy muslims.


lol funny muslims.

And yes, wasn't there a story from the Sumerians about three wise men following a star on their way to witness the birth of a king, who coincidentally was born fully armored?


Yes. That damn muhhamad plagiarized from the Bible!!!

lol. Good trolling up to that point, but that was a complete and utter fail.
Keep it up, it's fun to watch.
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I think some of the Christian adherents in this discussion completely failed to read and/or comprehend both the letter and my examination of it. The arguments presented by the Christian student contradicted the Bible, and that is the greatest fallacy that is repeatedly being made by Christians. Believing whatever suits their agenda; not the Bible, not the word of God, not even common sense --- but opportunistic redress.

Opportunistic redress is occurring right now in this thread. Stomping all over the Bible, all over the word of God, all over common sense, just to win an argument. Where's your shame?

Gizmo firmly inserts his foot in his mouth when it comes to religion/science debates, but you, Toko, are repeatedly performing cranium dunking in your thorougly vetted rectum. At the very least you should anoint yourself with vaseline to more readily manage your vacillating postulations.

Toko, I read a multitude of religious texts, some of them more than once. I watched you repeatedly mistate the writings in the Bible, demonstratie ignorance of other religions, routinely contradict yourself and religiously demonstrate a gross lack of understanding on just about every topic you opt to participate in. So look, do yourself, and us, a favor --- ponder before you post, research before you ramble. Demonstrate a modicum of the intelligence I'm sure you must have, by taking the time to examine your thoughts and arguments before you touch that keyboard.


hellstromm you give him way too much credit the views he has repeatedly spouted were fed to him long ago and digested without examination or thought. Regurgitating them requires neither re-examination nor actual comprehension. Ignorance is truly bliss for the willfully ignorant who keep themselves that way through the intellectual opiate known as organized religion


I think the biggest problem is that you're all taking him seriously. I guarantee he's a troll for the sake of being a troll and if this thread wasn't a clear demonstration of that then I don't know how else to break it down. I doubt he's christian at all, and if he is, he's a christian with an immature sense of humor.

Now just to be clear, I'm not defending him. It's clear he's nothing but a one-trick pony and his gimmick gets old really quickly but still, to take him seriously is to give him more power and too much credit.


I've just gone on the assumption that he was someone who got tired of arguing for the other side and decided it would be more fun to try this one for a while.


That would be perfectly fine and dandy if he had anything to offer besides satire that stopped being funny a month ago. I don't have a problem with trolls, I just have a problem with annoying trolls. There's a difference.


Frankly, I don't care whether he's a troll or not. The arguments he presents "are" the arguments we've seen plenty of times before. Whether he's legit or playing devil's advocat, it's an opportunity to smack someone around on this issue, with spectators to witness the carnage.


As long as I think he's just trying to get a rise out of people, it'll never happen with me.


Qft Although that gets old as well. My pimp hand is strong! If necessary I can break out a bic lighter and clothes hanger and do some proper pimpin!


Is the issue that no one states the obvious or that everyone states the obvious? I can't tell.