just to show my inventories as of now:


i simply have many questions
you certainly do i have read all the topics you have started lol good gravy. Now im not saying i have never asked a question or two but i have always asked after i have first searched and could not find. As much as you think it is fun to be social and ask questions It is a real pain in the tush for the people who have to keep answering the same questions over and over and over. Use the search please and if you want to chat it up join one of the off topic groups and chat it up.


Ever consider consolidating them in a single thread then? Title it "Lazy musing/question of a Newb"?


Ever consider consolidating them in a single thread then? Title it "Lazy musing/question of a Newb"?
but then i would have to change the thread name after i am done being a newb, now wouldn't i?


Yeah, but then you'll also have created a Newb Friendly guide with your name attached.


i really don't see the point in arguing over answering the questions...its kind of ironic that when you are annoyed by something you seem to spend as much effort complaining as you would by just answering the questions...or you could simply not answer them and save all the energy you desire...


If there's an argument going on then it's purely for your amusement. I'm totally serious in suggesting you consolidate all your questions into a single thread and create a newb friendly guide.

You ask enough questions that it would be a valuable resource and you'd be able to break things down for newcomers. It would be really handy to have a single point reference to direct new players to who come in asking various questions, such as the new thread that just popped up.

You're a rather inquisitive fellow, something I wish I was more, often times I don't ask enough questions. But I'm also an avid forum goer, and seeing 5 threads all asking a single question each from the same person, is just wasteful and pushes other threads off the front page. It's just a method of garnering attention.

I'm also lazy myself, but I'm respectful enough of the community to not post new threads for things I know are probably answered by the search. Also it takes fewer clicks for me to use search then type a new thread, document it and send it.

As for this response. I need the occasional break from paper writing during finals week.


i was taking you seriously when you said create the guide i was not at all offended...but the likeliness of it keeping its popularity are slim... it would be handy but what section of the forum would i put it?


Questions & FAQs.

Add a link to it to your signature and reference it when you come across new players asking questions. If they're asking questions not answered in the guide, add it.

Request others to point new players to it as well. If it becomes comprehensive enough it may well hold and become 'popular' if not useful.

I find popularity to be often fleeting though if that's your motivation.


Nacho, read the guide linked to in my sig. There are links in my guide you should also read. I think 90% of the simple questions you have will be answered by doing so.

Balog is correct in their posts. If you keep opening up a new thread every time you have the simplest question the people that participate in the forums daily will just start ignoring you.


this is true...but i don't frequent the questions and FAQ section...therefore it would be a burden on me...and i am sure others, such as denisero, already have a guide like this posted... so is there a way i could twist its purpose to remain in the section of the forum that this is in?


No. Go to the sections that are set up to help you answer your questions. There are guides and reference sections because you are not the only one needing answers. Why should we answer 5 times a day where someone can find turkey?

Were you like this in school? Did you not ever read a text book and instead just asked all the kids around you in class for the answers? Help yourself.

Just as your name says, we are 'nachomama' so don't expect us to hold your hand for everything.


i will admit....the analogy to my name is a great one... and i am capable of finding answers...but your analogy to school...well i usually am the one answering the questions...but if i am looking to start a guide... and i don't exactly want it in the questions and FAQ section, i want it in this section... would it be possible, that is to say, without breaking forum policy...


If you make a guide here, it'll be moved to Questions & FAQ, so you might as well save everyone else some trouble and put it there to begin with. :p


alright....that is why i asked...i didn't want to trouble anyone with moving it


so if i want to make a guide, which consists of loads of questions i ask, it would go in the questions and FAQ section?! i looked and didn't exactly see a handful of other guides, actually i did not see any...

edit:i understand the part about it consisting of QUESTIONS, but a guide just for the sake of instruction would go in that section? seems weird


hmm... well, ok. i will start a thread in that section next time i get a question... and i will keep adding to it whenever i have a question and will invite others to ask questions on it so it is in one location


welll i have created the thread... i it is called recycle...in FAQ section...go check it out, add to it if you want