Jokes- tell ur funniest (no racist)


Little Johnny was on a park bench stuffing all of his Halloween candy in his mouth. An old lady came over and said. "Son, don't you know that eating all of that candy will rot your teeth, give you acne, and make you sick?"
"My grandfather lived to be 105 years old!" replied Johnny.
"Did he eat five candy bars at a sitting?" the old lady retorted.
"No," said Johnny, "but he minded his own freakin' business."


very good joke, guywithajokeravatar.


There was a ranch owner with a servant.
One day, a man, lets call him Joe, went to see the owner.
As the owner sat behind the desk, Joe asked, "what do you do here at the ranch?"
The owner said "I boss the servant around."
Just then, the servant came and said, "Sir, I am done milking the goat."
The owner responded. "Good, here, take this bucket and milk the cow. Use the shortcut."
The servant did so, opening a trapdoor underneath the desk the owner was sitting at, and vanished.
As Joe was begining to ask another question, the servant appeared again.
"Sir, I am done milking the cow." the servant said, holding a bucket of milk.
The owner responded. "Good, here, take this cup and milk the horse. Use the shortcut."
The servant slid under the owners desk, opened a trap door, and went through it.
Joe asked, "Sir, you can't milk a horse. And if you could, wouldn't it give you more than just a cup?"
The owner replied, "A horse? I don't own a darn horse!"

Okay, that was probably stretching it a bit.


Very niced,, u cant find a joke like that every days.. and since i can ok spell.. i thick i will not.. i mena will con gracalate you,,

lord regal... u do know it is like being racist commenting on othere poeple spelling..i mean i know i am a crap speller.. but if they can read it i am ifne with it

oppps... sorry did not mean to send wice.. my computer stopped
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That one makes it thrice!
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how many scalse had a fish got



I bet he meant scales... And if he did the answer is

The number of scales on a fish's body is half the number of hair on your head, considering that you are not bald.


Welll... If it isn't called either of the two I said earlier, I'll call it..


A helicopter crossed with a dinosaur.



Wow, I am really surprised no one got what I posted earlier.

Like I said, the HELLIfINO.


