Help me crack the construction code...


I've updated my first post to include more 2 hour job information I have gathered. From it, I got a reliable means to calculate the 2 hour formula. I still need to get more 30 minute and 1 hour information to work on those.

I need you all to peer review the formula and let me know if you see any abnormalities. Remember, its for 2 hour jobs only.

2 hour Construction Formula
CP = ((0.3765x)+18.526)*y
x = Labor points
y = Motivation (100% = 1; 95% = 0.95; etc)
So, for example. Lets say I have 307 labor points when starting building and my motivation is at 95%.
CP = ((0.3765*307)+18.526)*0.95
             134.11*0.95 = 127.40
Result = 127 Construction Points
Please test this formula against your construction reports. The only information you need is the Labor points (after building difficulty) and your Motivation when starting the job.

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what about the "Stamina" addition? Won't that screw things up big time?


No it will just change the amount of labor points everyone has. the formula will still be the same.


Please test this formula against your construction reports. The only information you need is the Labor points (after building difficulty) and your Motivation when starting the job.


This was dead on for me. Very cool. :D


what about the "Stamina" addition? Won't that screw things up big time?

Nope, as the formula only cares about Labor points and motivation.

In fact, you can use this formula to figure out what will happen to your character when the change is implemented. I was able to determine that currently a PURE builder can go down to 72% motivation and still put in more points that he would on the new system at 100%

So, effectively, when the changes go into effect expect your builders to produce 28% less construction points. :sad:


30 mins
117 Labor points
=16 construction points.
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lost the info because the town hall went from level 4 to level 5 while I was away.
Sum of 5: 192
1 hour
construction points: 35

Hope you can figure that out.


3 people cracked the construction code back around mid October, 2008. It's simpler than you think, just labor point + motivation + hours worked.

The formula initially gave a +- 0.5 progress point error but was fixed with subsquent revision. I was one of the 3 people involved so I cannot give it out without the other 2's consent.


Blitz, I have no idea what you are trying to say but I think you just wasted my time.
LB- 142
1 hour
37 CP


Blitz, I have no idea what you are trying to say but I think you just wasted my time.
LB- 142
1 hour
37 CP

You need to factor in motivation if you are serious about cracking the construction formula, your report need to include motivation, that's all.

It's been cracked, we've tested it since mid October and it's very accurate. We used it in various towns in W1 to help planning town construction with the goal of maximizing efficiency.


Read the first page.

I did.

specifically, this
OP said:
The only problem is I believe each duration of work (30min, 1hr, 2hr) has its own formula.

I need to join another town to build and re-confirm the formula we developed back in mid-Oct of 2008. We had the same issue with our original version of formula, where the results were off a bit.

We solved it, incorporated duration, LP, motivation into the formula after we figured out there is a trick to calculate motivation. The final version we came up then was very accurate. First version had +- 0.5 progress point error sometimes, the final version had less than that, at least from the sample we had from building a couple towns and all results confirmed the accuracy of our formula.


It was stated in the beginning that all reports should be done at 100% motivation and that is what I have be going on.