Have you ever?


I've never been that drunk. Yes, I've exchanged dinner, alcohol, the occasional gift, etc for sex.

Have you ever kissed a rooster?


Once. Then I learned never to try it again...

Ever paid to kiss a rooster?


I don't even like being around roosters.

Have you ever cheated on a test?


Intentionally? No. Always look for an Adam's apple

Have you ever tried to steal a car but you were too drunk to pull it off and then you couldn't figure out how to open the door so you have to kick a window out?


Yes, but they were just friendly kisses, I swear.

Have you ever been caught masturbating?


Where's Gem with the Turkish Delight when you need her?


Have you ever eaten bull's testicles?


well ive been cheated...(i still hope he wont cheat tis time)

have you ever tried putting an icecube all over your face?


No, why would I?
(What do you mean this time?)

Have you ever been in a fight (let's get away from this highly private topic of cheating, and our sexual lives)


When you have 46 degree days, you put ice cubes everywhere.

(And if you are saying the guy you are cuurrently with has already cheated on you... Dump him right now, you fool!)

EDIT: Yes. Seen several. Nightmare on Elm Street is one of them.

Have you even broken a heart?


Hmm. I've been told I've done that, but I have never done that. Play with that particular fire and you get burned.

Have you ever had a picnic in the rain?


No, but I've...done other stuff in the rain.

Have you ever had impure thoughts about a TV weatherperson?