guess the game from the cupcake



Damn, you are good. There's the shield, and that looks like a green piece from above instead of a yellow.


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Hmm, I could swear this post said something different before you edited it. Perhaps you discovered that the game title is in each image URL?

On that note, I can say that braetwalda is correct.


The West Team
Forum moderator
I am aware that the name is in the url but I was hoping that no one would look at that so this could be an honest fun game.

Ill start using that site thanks Elmyr.



I wasn't playing because I noticed the URL on the first one. I guess I should have mentioned it then.


The West Team
Forum moderator
Im fully aware of every way to cheat on this game. im hoping that no one else cheats on this game.
I'm also hoping that no one reads futu's posts telling you how to cheat if you don't know already.

Shaken bacon is wrong.


I vaguely remember a game that is played like knucklebones, but it has little pig-shaped game pieces. I can't remember what it's called.


yeah thats Pass the pigs i have a copy somewhere in my cupboard, just wondering if it has a different name


The West Team
Forum moderator
pass the pigs?

Do I get half credit? ;)


I just googled the game name that i have and realised there's other names for it.

Pass the pigs is correct. I was going by the name Pig Mania.

So sorry for the wild goose chase. I will check out all the names for the rest of the games.

I remember playing that game all the time as well. I wonder if we still have a set here.

Next one.