Gatling Gun

  • Thread starter Rolling Thunder
  • Start date


and this thread was resurrected after being in a grave for over a month Necromancy is the appropriate term. TYVM


Necro posting (necromancy, resurrection) refers to posting in any thread that is not active, aka dead. This thread was dead, and that rhymes and you know that rhymes, so don't try to deny it!


Oh well.

Either way, this is a bad idea unless Duelers get some sort of perk like the townspeople do.

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
Necro posting (necromancy, resurrection) refers to posting in any thread that is not active, aka dead. This thread was dead, and that rhymes and you know that rhymes, so don't try to deny it!

I'm with Elmyr. Drive a stake into this thread's heart! Having a gatling gun on The West would be godmodding, no matter how it's implemented. If someone could ask Gem to kindly lock this thread up for good...


my idea would have levels
for example a level 10 fort requires the founder(s) level to be level 30
level 40 fort for gatling gun requires level 50 Founder(s)

If founder(s) are knocked out, the gatling gun is not useable by defenses.

I would say as a founder(s) town defense item.

I also say we get Indian Merc's :D


I thought it would be something like one of the possible cannons. We have different types of horses so this could be one of cannon types.
Things like that were at that time so sooner or latter they will have to be implanted anyway.
And since this gun/cannon would be firearm weapon I think the best user of it will be dueler or soldier, right?

Thread necromancy is a sin against god and nature.
so does making new topics about things that were suggested before. Things like that happen when people use search button.
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no, only soldier IF it was implanted.

I don't think so.

Soldier with Gatling gun implanted is starting to sound like:



The idea goes hand in hand with the whole town at war thing. Use it there.


*Puts stake through thread*

I now name you dead thread #1002


Whoa! Talk about heavy artillery! And no. We don't need a gun this big in The West.
The gattling gun wasent a very reliable piece of artillery . it jammed alot and used expensive cased bullets and had high mantanence.The gattling gun also required 2 people to man it so although its a historical weapon like land mines it doesent fit with the west