Fort XP


You didnt say that adventurers will rarely get it you said cannot.
I didn't say it in this thread, that's true. I've said it in another one. It's my fault I didn't want to write memoires and biographies here so I've omitted the most important thing that once per year it may happen an adventurer gets a steel box.
However, you didn't prove me wrong actually. I don't play abandoned ancient idlers, offliners and afk ruled worlds. That was also what I was supposed to add in my post, right? But then again, you, as a regular visitor on this forum, know precisely that I don't give a damn about such worlds and InnoGames can shot them down for all I care. And I never, ever, write about them. To prove me wrong, get in the fight with some real fort fighters on active worlds, not a world with a few 1000 HP duelers. The only thing you've proved is that w1 is deader than the dead meat.
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Yes well I on the other hand mostly waste my time on world 1 whose activity levels is fine. Just on a interesting sidenote I really cannot think of any dueler who ever won the most damage inflicted record there. Yearly it has been mostly adventurers moshorushu and elmyr. This year it will probably be john colt a soldier. perhaps other duelers on other worlds spec for fort fighting whereas world 1's spec for dueling. I cannot really think that all of them that participate in fort fighting won't have premium so that theory I really dont know about.


Yes well I on the other hand mostly waste my time on world 1 whose activity levels is fine. Just on a interesting sidenote I really cannot think of any dueler who ever won the most damage inflicted record there. Yearly it has been mostly adventurers moshorushu and elmyr. This year it will probably be john colt a soldier. perhaps other duelers on other worlds spec for fort fighting whereas world 1's spec for dueling. I cannot really think that all of them that participate in fort fighting won't have premium so that theory I really dont know about.

im full duel spec on w10 and come in quite often with top damage.
ofc golden and buffs help a lot, but then others have those too...


Whatever. I got it ,it disproves your theory that adventurers cannot get the steel lined box.
He exaggerated for effect. He didn't mean it was flat out impossible for a non-dueler to get a steel-lined box for damage, but on any newer world it's unlikely. As a rule, on newer worlds damage boxes will almost always go to duelers. Occasionally a lucky soldier or adventurer will outdamage the duelers, but it will be rare. On older worlds, without a lot of duelers or hp, it will be more common, though there won't be nearly as many steel to be had. I've gotten a fair number of steels on w11, but we don't have a lot of duelers on our side.

Oh yeah, and attacks are always going to be different. If you aren't a dueler and have one of those attacks where you hit 75% of the time without ever mounting until late, there's a good chance of outdamaging the duelers and getting steel if you win.


ok i will take your word for it. but with the new medals available in westforts. can you go one step better joxer and display your theory according to medals for example
world x;
player a - gold - dueler
player b- silver - soldier
player c- bronze - adventurer

the current medals is only for damage inflicted

what tickles me if there is one dueler that successfully translates his bonus into month /year wins/2nd/3rds or is it all random.

DeletedUser statistics is useful only to check someone's activity. it gives best medals and ranks to those who are fighting often in forts, no matter their average hits, damage or dodges. so a player who has 500 fort fights will always be ranked better than one with 200 fights. player's class matters nothing there.


what tickles me if there is one dueler that successfully translates his bonus into month /year wins/2nd/3rds or is it all random.

Just check out world 12 on westforts. I am rank 5 with only 225 battles but 1.344.334 dmg, that means 5974 average damage per battle - this includes attacks and even some fake battles. I doubt you will find anyone with a better dmg/battle ratio on such a long term.


no westforts introduced a medal system tracking most damage inflicted per month/year. If it was by activity I would have won the first part of the year as i very seldom misses a battle and also very seldom is offline. Too confirm you can just look at john colt who mostly does the most damage due to GG.

in arizona you were for example first in march 2011 but have no other medals.


i would hope so else i would quit arizona. i mean if lady gaga/(joxertm ??) does play arizona. :) :) things could get a hell lot of weird in a very short time:eek::eek:


but there you are specced for fort fighting? yes the adventurer class has little real bonuses. you really need a fair amount of hp to actually try for most dodging in a fort fight. i usually get halved easily and then needs to mount in save positions or bail constantly.


The truth is that I only battle in AZ with an adventurer (5.5k HP) and only got once a steel box. I was offline at a tower, sitting all battle on the same spot. While all the people were dyeing around me, the stupid adventurer managed to pull most damage and got rewarded with a steel box. Do you not see anything wrong with that? I am not proud that I got the box, even if that is the only steel I ever got, I seriously thought that I do not deserve to get it. However the game is created by simple rules, most damage? ok, here you go premium dueler, a nice steel box battle after battle. I think premium duelers are getting surprised if they do NOT get the box, any box at the end of each battle if they managed to hide behind the rest of the pack all battle.

In AZ, and I am sure Colorado will be as well (I play there too), if you are a selfish premium dueler, you are rewarded almost daily with a nice shiny steel box. There should not be discussions about the validity of this statement, (duelers gets steel boxes because of their class and not their merit) , but people should try to find a way how to change this to be based on merit.

I do not want to bury dueler class because developers chosed to give them 10% critical chance in battles, but I'd very much like to take their Steel Boxes for top damage. As Joxer said a couple of pages before, Dodgers ... most likely fat-ish builders on their towers or Soldier tanks, Damage dealers- duelers no questions asked, Adventurers ... well they are great to hold sectors aren't they ? Are they rewarded in any way for that ? ... well, last time I got a box was a looong time ago.

If steel box is the best of the best, it should stand for something more then top damage ... for example an average of top damage, dodges.

That way hiders do not have a chance at the box, but still top damage get's the box....soo, it's quite simple, pump your premium dueler to 5.5 k hp, or even 7k hp, like XTXT or Gorwin does and get in the line of fire, sacrifice yourself a bit, and then if you get your precious box you can claim that you earned it. Adventurers will still not be closer on getting it, but I'd be more then happy to see more than one (nicole) duelers out there in AZ with >4khp.


If steel box is the best of the best, it should stand for something more then top damage ... for example an average of top damage, dodges.

Add a steel for #1 hits or something, but there's no reason to take away the steel for top damage, and dodges already gets a steel. If you want to add another steel for some combination of dodges and damage, I wouldn't argue with it on w12.


most damage? ok, here you go premium dueler, a nice steel box battle after battle. I think premium duelers are getting surprised if they do NOT get the box, any box at the end of each battle if they managed to hide behind the rest of the pack all battle.

Duelers are well known for having high leadership, hiding and stamina...

but yes, you go along with what i say.
the reward should be a combination of results

best (dodges*damage*% hp lost in first rounds*online rounds) = steel
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Duelers are well known for having high leadership, hiding and stamina...
Yeah, a fair percentage of premium duelers choosing hiding (and I don't mean the skill) over hp. It's not at all uncommon for the dueler who led in damage to have the most hits as well.


Add a steel for #1 hits or something, but there's no reason to take away the steel for top damage, and dodges already gets a steel. If you want to add another steel for some combination of dodges and damage, I wouldn't argue with it on w12.

I only wanted to take top damage to discourage premium duelers with duel build with around 2k hp at most coming to battles regularly to hide behind others and claiming the top prize. But I see your point that top damage should not be taken away, there are instances when top damage goes to non-dueler class, or to a tank-premium dueler ... nothing wrong with that imo.

Also if we were to add hit-miss ratio (I presume this is what you ment with #1 hits), would we not reward Tower Glued defenders only ?
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