Fort class


Elmyr, this idea:
I know this may be a little out of context here, but how about the possibility of removing the "sector" moving thing entirely, and rather opt for having a certain amount of "steps" every round. Which could be based upon your stamina skill, or other factors for that matter. Also, by removing the sectors, players would be able to move right up to their enemy, thus creating the option for hand to hand combat.

That would certainly change how fort battles were played out.


oh, yeah, noticed it now. sorry i have missed that post..


ANYWAY, I just don't think it's feasible because it would make blocking incredibly difficult. Blocking outside the fort would be almost impossible and blocking walls would be hard, even with zones of control. Blocking east/west rushes are nothing now, but if there were no sectors, everyone in the towers on that side would have to block inside. A stacked offliner bouncing around on the walls could let a rusher inside the fort if he bounced to the wrong place. It would also remove sector aiming as a strategy.