Commander Tom
I am not the leader by any stretch of the imagination, the alliance is run not by one man but by everyone in it, also I have been pretty much inactive for the past 2 months.
And it is not the TW alliance, it is a conglomoration as you well know
So before you go spouting rubbish about a leader who is not a leader in the TW alliance which is not the TW alliance get your info straight mucka
I know that pretty well. But you are something like a Minister for Foreign Affairs. So you are the one that will hear first (probably about something out of the alliance) I mean 2 months ago or less (I do not remember) Ryan Perez asked me for an invitation in West Wood so that he can buy that Fancy soft Leg Guards.
WWPA is out of that alliance for a long time already and I still get this kind of questions or similar from a members from "The Alliance V2".