P&P First Fort Battle


The stage is set for the very first fort battle of W10!

Constantinople vs. Mercenary Outpost-MC

Who's going to win? Thoughts


First Fort Battle!

Our fort, Fort Anadolu, is under attack by the despicable MC thugs!!!

This is a call to all those players who are tired of the dirty, whining, massive-alliance groveling MC players.

Folks, MC players have no honor. They think they can simply gather enough players through massive alliances and take over this joint. They have no honor, no shame. They are bullies, and like bullies, once you stand up for them, they will crumple!

So I am calling out all of you brave, freedom loving fighters in W10; Show up and protect our fort. For you see, they will stop at nothing. First it's this fort, then, before you know it, they have increased in size, and are running all over our world, taking what is OURS!

They, like a cancerous tumor, must be stopped at the source.

One world, One fort, One fight - We must unite!!!

Young or old, poor or rich, ugly or beautiful, you are all welcome to come an d defend our fort! none will be turned down!

And remember folks, they can take away our fort, they can take away our money, they might even be able to Ko us...



and whose that american bloke in the bad makeup?
oh by the way ahve yu got cable in the barracks? just wanted to check before we moved in


and whose that american bloke in the bad makeup?
oh by the way ahve yu got cable in the barracks? just wanted to check before we moved in

You gonna look awfully silly when the beat down comes;)


This is interesting. As it's the first one, I expect there will be good turn outs on both sides. Both sides will have to be on top of their prioritising, I bet.


MC thugs don't have a prayer. Constantinople is going to show world 10 how you handle a bully.

How you like my tiger print shorts? Sexy, huh?



Well... MC got a big alliance, but I'm sure Constantinople will win.. btw, Do I really care??


Well Forts are supposed to be attacked and as it's a new world I thought it would be great to hold The first Rock Festival. (being as thats what most of us will be using)

Win or lose its going to be fun fun fun :D

So ill see you there whatever side of the wall your on... :)

As for taking it seriously .... well i don't. :p