Enviornmental Issues...


If people really think planting a plant or something will make a difference, send me some cash and I will replant most of the areas I remove trees from.

ever heard of eating fresh fruits? do you really think you could plant money? you dun have to give money when you can give seeds....:D


can't the environment right itself. Read in a book that during the day : plants produce oxygen and at night carbon dioxide. I'm living in the country and can tell you smog etc etc is not a reality here . When I walked a day or 2 ago I noticed how many plants were actually growing on their own in a very small plot. In a place that was not tilled or anything...but yeah more companies must take a step towards green energy etc.


ever heard of eating fresh fruits? do you really think you could plant money? you dun have to give money when you can give seeds....:D

Too much time and effort starting trees (or anything for that matter) in bulk from seed. It is much easier and cost effective to use seedlings instead that will have a much larger survival rate and will not require the ground to be worked or supplemented with nutrients.

And yes, you can plant money. Money is just a common substitution of value traded in place of actual goods and/or services for convenience purposes. About anything planted with the expectation of future sale would be equal to planting money.


can't the environment right itself. Read in a book that during the day : plants produce oxygen and at night carbon dioxide.
The production of oxygen, by plants, far exceeds their production of carbon dioxide. Regardless, no --- the environment, cannot right itself. As long as we're in the picture, the environment's natural systems are being supplanted by our intrusions. It takes 30 minutes for Man to cut down a tree. It took a hundred years for that same tree to sprout from a seedling and reach maturity. That's a horrifying ratio of almost one to two-million (and we're only referring to deforestation here. There's plenty more going on that makes it "impossible" for the environment, the Earth, to -- right itself).

I'm living in the country and can tell you smog etc etc is not a reality here. When I walked a day or 2 ago I noticed how many plants were actually growing on their own in a very small plot.
Did you think you could see the increase in global temperature with your own eyes? Did you think you could taste carbon dioxide, or methane, or any of the other greenhouse gases? Do you think that just because it's cold in the Antarctic that global warming isn't happening, or that because you don't see trash in your neighborhood there are no pollutants? Your anecdotal examination of things is irresponsible. It is naive to think that just because you were never a victim of a crime that crimes do not exist. It is just as naive to think that just because plants grow on the side of the road, deforestation isn't happening.

Seriously, wake up.

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
I can't read every post :( . . . too long XD... same old thing about politics and science...

WHy not start by planting a tree or flower or a plant? well not a power or nuclear plant though...but a plant

before we all turn into zombies o_O

Ha-Ha! Plants versus Zombies. We better hurry up and plant as many plants as we can before the zombies reach our house and...Well...I think you know what happens next. ^.^