East of the Sun and West of the Moon


"Me too. I will fight for you. My LeMat has been in it's holster for too long a time." He remounted his horse and said "Away to your village we can count on your tribe if we can not trust the others."


" Well, I know your not going to lestin to me but, If we are ona higher ground than the enemy, we will defeat them by firing at them and dropping rocks!"

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
=Chief Sprinting Bison shook his head at the first thing Maahir said about these so-called 'red-skin' friends of his. He clearly did not understand that there were different tribes of Native Americans and not all of them were on friendly terms with each other=

Chief Sprinting Bison: First of all...These peoples are not friends of ours. In fact, my tribe has clashed with them at least twice in the last decade. But yes, you are right. We must go to my village and prepare my people for combat. Let us go now.

=And without another word, he headed to his village along with Maahir and Ben. He figured they did not have any time to waste by standing out here and talking idly=


Name: Shadow Chaser

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Heritage: Native American

Class: Shaman

Appearance: Shadow Chaser is average height, with weight proportionate to her height. Her hair is long and black, and tied in a single braid with the Great Horned Owl's feathers hung throughout. Her exposed skin is always painted white. She paints a red horizontal band across both her eyes, and in a straight vertical line across her lips and down her chin.

Inventory: A mustang, medicine bag, an ornate calumet, a drum, a stone mace carved in the shape of a raven's head, coyote teeth necklace, an antler from a whitetail deer, wolf pelt, mountain lion pelt.

Equipment: She wears the buckskin clothing traditional to the Cheyenne people, and the pelt of a wolf with its head as a hood, a coyote teeth necklace, and hangs her mace on her left side.

Biography: Shadow Chaser was born during the extremely auspicious sign of a comet traveling through the night's sky. The former shaman of the tribe recognized her birth as an omen of his successor. She was willingly given over to his care by her family, who recognized the great honor that it indicated. She grew up under his tutelage, and became the shaman of the tribe, when the previous shaman passed on. She has been instrumental in the spiritual guidance of her tribe. Freely sharing what the great spirits wish of the people, as well as calling upon the fortunes they might share.


Shadow Chaser sat outside her teepee watching the gathering warriors, as the force of Europeans assembled not far off. She looked toward Sprinting Bison as he descended into the village, while being accompanied by strangers to her. She stood and walked in the direction of the chief. She knew it was likely that he would seek the counsel of the spirits, and that he would require her presence in the upcoming confrontation.
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Name (Who are you?): Thunder
Age (How old are you?): 52
Gender (Male or female?): Male
Heritage (Tell us about your nationality!): Native American
Class (See above!): Gunslinger
Appearance (What do you look like?): A bit taller than average, slim build with a slightly wrinkled face. Although aging, his patience and calmness give him a bit of a majestic look.
Inventory (What's in your backpack?): (Thunders backpack is a rather small pouch on his side) Calumet with tobacco, flint, fire striker, tinder
Equipment (What are you wearing/holding in your hands?): Moccasins, long frilled buckskin pants, Colt Paterson revolver, Hawken rifle, a steel tomahawk (made by the Europeans), a long knife (handle carved to resemble an eagle), an ammo pouch and a spotted mustang named Wind
Biography (Tell us about yourself!): He was born a Miniconjou of the Teton Dakota tribe. In his younger days he was a fierce and renowned warrior known for his short temper and skill with the tomahawk. He found his wife among Sprinting Bisons tribe and joined them when Sprinting Bisons father was still chief. Thunders wife died giving birth to their first child along with the child, but he nonetheless decided to stay with the tribe as he had been with them for many years and grown old there. The strength of his youth is now fading and he prefers the rifle to the tomahawk, although he would use it if the need arises


Thunder stands among the warriors when he sees the chief approaching with some strangers. He also saw Shadow Chaser approaching the chief. He also approaches to hear what the young shaman has to say, although he could guess for himself - the white men are coming in giant canoes from where the sun rises. There are too many of them. War will come.


" Well friend, I apologies for calling you red skins. I didn't know that you too had wars between ya, My great apologies. But to win the war against the white men such as me, you have to stop the wars and reunite against the Europeans. you need ALOT of men to win this war, the Europeans have weapons more advanced than what you have!" then when he saw shadow chaser coming to the chief, he bowed.


Ben saw shadow chaser and bowed as well as Mahir. "We meet again" he said to her then turning to Chief Bison he said "You should do as Mahir says. We must defeat the Europeans and if all the tribes fight alone you will stand no chance. You must send messages to all the tribes and call a temporary peace until we have defeated the Europeans. Meanwhile you must organise the defence of your village."


Shadow Chaser approached her chief and the strangers. She stopped several feet back, and tilted her head curiously at the two white men as they bowed at her. It looked unseemly to her, but dismissed it as white customs, and did not mimic the greeting. She looked back and forth between the two as they addressed the chief in the white man's language, which she did not understand.

After waiting for the conversation to conclude, she greeted her chief by stepping up to him and offering him her customary morning blessing. She looked down the cliff side and then back at Sprinting Bison as she said in Cheyenne, "There are a great deal of them my chief. The warriors are preparing to receive an attack, but it will not come today. " She looked up at the darkening skies as she said, "Nature does not will it."

Shadow Chaser looked back at the massing force and frowned. She said, "It is strange that these men gather to war with us. Our warriors have not tangled with the white man in this place or nearby. I wonder if this is not instead brought on by our enemies whispering lies to these people." She looked back at the chief and the strangers, she pointed at the two white men in turn as she continued to speak in her language. She said, "Are these strangers representatives for the force below?"
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Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
=As Chief Sprinting Bison entered into his village along with Ben and Maahir, he suddenly had a grim feeling wash over him as the two of the men walking alongside him spoke to him. Their thoughts ran across his mind like a pack of galloping gazelle...The Europeans have weapons more advanced than you. All the tribes must unite as one in order to stop them=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Those Europeans...Pale Faces...Just how powerful are they?
=He asked this question to anyone who could hear him, then he turned to Shadow Chaser and greeted her with a nod=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Hello, Shadow Chaser. I see that you do not trust the people who came here with me. I do not blame you, but I assure you they mean no harm. Now then...Have the spirits told you anything lately? Any dark prophecies?
=At this point, after everything that everyone said to him about the gathering of European settlers, Chief Sprinting Bison was almost afraid to ask a question like this. But it had to be answered and if there was ever a need to prepare for any kind of combat, lethal or not, now was the time to do it. He would also greet Thunder with a nod as he did with Shadow Chaser just a moment ago=


Maahir was listening carefully to the conversation between shadow chaser and bison( whispering to Ben)," hey Ben, do you get anything they are saying?!?!? What if they stab our backs?!?!?! what if they..ahh forget it. Hey chief! who is this?"


Shadow Chaser listened to her chief's question, and looked out at the force situating below as the first few fat rain drops began to fall. She nodded her head and said, "Their have been whisperings on the wind." She waved her arm out as she continued to look down at the gathered Europeans. She continued, "These are few of many to come my chief. The warriors are ready, willing, and rested. A victory is nearly guaranteed. Be aware, however, there will be more, and more again, after today when our warriors are no longer rested. I advise we reason with them, and prevent weakening our tribe."

She looked back at Sprinting Bison and the white men. A smile briefly crossed her painted lips as she saw Thunder nearby, before her eyes looked back at her chief. She said, "These men assembled will not seek coup against our people. It will come to blood shed. To fight today, will mean certain war for many moons to come. If not with these people, those that follow." She lifted her eyes to the sky and said, "The storm approaches. We should away to my home. Smoke with Thunder, and these strangers. I will petition the spirits for further guidance."

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
=Chief Sprinting Bison sighed. All he could do was try to understand the worry of those who did not speak his tongue, but he could speak not only in his own native tongue, but in English as well. So, for now, he decided to answer Maahir first in order to be fair to him=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Well, Maahir, this is one of the shamans of our village. Her name is Shadow Chaser.
=Then, he introduced Maahir to Shadow Chaser in the dialect she and him spoke in, before nodding to her to reply to what she said to him just a moment ago=
Chief Sprinting Bison: I think it's worth a shot. Because if we at least try to maintain our relatively peaceful relationship with the European Settlers, then we might be able to complete avoid an all-out war against them. For now, please let us tell the rest of our people of our plan to negotiate with the pale-faces and then, we'll work from there.
=At last, Chief Sprinting Bison was starting to feel a little calmer and less worried. In fact, if all went well, then perhaps the pale-faces down in the valley below might end up trading some of their advanced items/products/weapons to the people in his tribe! And in return, maybe his tribe would have something unique to offer to the pale-faces=


"Ehh Bison, don't make a pact with them I am not sure about that. besides, if you are afraid of them don't be, because they are afraid of you. you know the land like your names the Europeans don't, you got that as a weapon on your side. anyways you got anything to drink or eat?"
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Thunder replied to the chiefs nod in kind. He also noticed a flicker of a smile for a moment on Shadow Chaser's lips. His expression did not change but something gentle could be seen in his eyes for the briefest of moments. He listened to the conversation of Shadow Chaser and the chief. In his heart he did not want to believe that the red men would eventually lose but he knew it was the truth. And war would come.

"I have been to the Great Water," he begun "And I have seen the great canoes of the white men. They come on these in hundreds over the Great Water. Red men have already given much land to them, but their hunger can never be satisfied. And if the white men wish to come, the red men must go. And I do not wish it and in my heart I hope I am wrong, but I know this: war will come. And the red men will lose in the end. There is no end to their giant canoes, but the red men are few and they fight amongst themselves. I have spoken." Thunder held his rifle against his scarred chest, the barrel pointing slightly down and crossed his hands on it.

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
=Darn! First the talk of the pale faces having advanced technologies and now, Chief Sprinting Bison is told that not only are these pale faces crossing the Great River using giant canoes, but that war will come and the 'red men' (Meaning Native Americans) will lose in the end? Now, if this was not a Prophecy of Doom, Chief Sprinting Bison did not know what was! But something had to be done to at least try and slow down the inevitable war, which the more Chief Sprinting Bison thought about it, the more worried he became. He first turned to Thunder to reply to him=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Thunder...You seem to think that the white men are invincible. But I will tell you this now...Only the Great Spirit is invincible. And not a single one of Mother Nature's creatures...Not even humans, are above the Great Spirit. Or Mother Nature for that matter. And as such, I am willing to do anything I can to prevent this war from happening. And if I cannot stop it, then at least, I must try and slow it down to a lesser degree. I will not waste any time standing idly by while my fellow people are slain by these pale faces.
=Then, he turned to address Maahir=
Chief Sprinting Bison: And Maahir...I have no fear of the pale faces. If it seems this way, then you are wrongfully mistaken. What I am worried about is the fate of our kind. Are we all to die in the wake of anyone, be it the white men or someone else? I refuse to cower in fear to them or to anyone else. This is my way of life. And if you're in need of food and drink, there is plenty to eat in my village. Come. Let us go eat.
=He headed for one of the larger huts to prepare a banquet for the guests who were brave enough to follow him to his village and smart enough not to attack him=


The chiefs statement angered Thunder. But it was not revealed to the others as he calmly continued. "Why does chief Sprinting Bison say that Thunder is afraid of the white men? Has thunder not proved his worth a hundred times and a hundred times again? Thunder is not afraid of the palefaces. His hands were made to make war and have grown old by doing so. When war will come Thunder will not cower among women and children. He will fight his enemies with his rifle and his tomahawk and with his bare hands. He will fight them in valleys and on hills, in forests and on plains. He will take many scalps. He will never surrender. I have spoken."

(OoC: Can't resist occasionally using that formal Indian talk that I used to read from Indian tales)

Thunder listened to the chiefs response and then turned to Shadow Chaser: "Does my younger sister think that my words are untrue? I would be happy if the spirits told her so." Thunder looked into Shadow Chasers eyes.

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
=Chief Sprinting Bison shook his head. Thunder did not understand the point he was trying to make! Welp! Time to spell it out for him in words he could get the meaning of=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Chief Sprinting Bison did not say that Thunder was afraid of the pale faces, no. What Chief Sprinting Bison said was that he himself was not afraid of the pale faces. Why does Thunder think that Chief Sprinting Bison is stating how Thunder feels about a particular heritage? The only thing Chief Sprinting Bison said about Thunder was that it seems as though he thinks that the pale faces are invincible.
=He shrugs. No offense was intended by what he was saying to him. All he wanted to do was get his point across that he himself. That is, Chief Sprinting Bison was not going to cower in fear of anyone who wanted to take their village or their land away=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Does Thunder now understand the point Chief Sprinting Bison was trying to make? Hmm?
=He awaited a response from Thunder now=


Shadow Chaser listened quietly to Sprinting Bison and Thunder. As Sprinting Bison asked Thunder of the invincibility of the white men, she shook her head. She said, "It is my thought, that my brother does not think of one white man as invincible. Thunder speaks of the many. They will be like waves crashing upon the shore, or trying to stop sand from escaping one's hand. It will be inevitable progress and difficult to stop without more warriors." She shrugged her shoulders as she walked alongside the chief to eat. She ignored the rain as it began to fall down much harder, beginning to streak the paint she always wore.

She glanced at the strangers walking with them, saying nothing as she studied their faces and attire. She looked back at the chief and said, "I believe I will join you, if you will have me my chief. I might be able to present things better to the spirits, if I know everything there is to know beforehand."


" Well Bison, I am thinking that you should get your men ready by tomorrow. We should surprise attack them! you see, they think that you guys are afraid because they have advanced weapons, But if you attack them, they will be shocked. Well friend, it was a good meal I thank you for it, Now I will go to sleep."Then he went out side and slept near the campfire, in his sleeping bag.

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
=It seemed as though they had been walking to Chief Sprinting Bison's village for hours. But at last, they arrived. Chief Sprinting Bison first turned to Shadow Chaser to address what she said about these pale faces. He figured that since it was starting to rain, they would want to return to their huts so as not to get sick from being out in the cold hard rain=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Shadow Chaser, your willingness to join us in any kind of confrontation is admirable and I would be glad to have you. And while I do not know everything there is to know about the pale faces down in the valley yet, I think it would be a good idea to find out whatever we can about them and their ways of life.
=Then he turned to address Maahir, since he suggested attacking the European Settlers down in the valley=
Chief Sprinting Bison: Maahir. While I admire your plan to surprise the pale faces with an attack, I do not think it is a good idea. Yes, it is a good idea to prepare our warriors in case they decide to attack us. If we do this, we will at least be ready for their attack if they decide to attack us. But I also fear that our enemies, the Crows will try and attack them and make it look like OUR TRIBE were the ones who attacked them. I feel we shall have to either deal with our enemies or at least warn the pale faces about them. However, both of these plans have their risks. But since you plan to retire, I shall allow you to have a rest while Shadow Chaser and I tell our fellow villagers about the pale faces living in the valley below us.
=He nodded to Shadow Chaser with the intent of him and her gathering everyone else in his tribe for a meeting concerning not only the pale faces, but also the Crows=