Does anyone else regret voting for Barack Obama yet?


Maybe building one wont create oil, but there is plenty of land owned by the U.S. that contains untapped oil.


Which of course isn't the solution to our energy crisis. We need a renewable source of energy, period.


edit for Divest: There are many different means of transportation as well as energy creation that would be effective and possible, but are not pursued.
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zeitgeist Addendum. watch it. it goes over many different means of transportation as well as energy creation that would be effective and possible, but are not pursued.

I would appreciate it if you didn't promote trash tin-foil hat films in my thread.

Yes, it does have some interesting content. The other 95% of the bullcrap it promotes is ridiculous. It's made for people who lack critical and logical thinking skills. Common viewers are people who believe in ghosts, people who believe that there are undercover reptilians, and people who believe that aliens have visited and interacted with Earth.

For more information on how crap Zeitgeist is, click this red sentence.

For the record, some of the information presented in this film does hold weight, but the amount of lies it spews far outweighs the truth. The author of the website I am promoting said it better than I ever could:

"A lot of people claim that "I do not believe everything in the movie, but this thing seems true to me, so you should watch it." Just because something of substance might be found, does not make it a good / factual movie. For example, if I have a pie, and I fill it with dirt and put a slice of apple in it, it does not make it an apple pie -- though some would claim so. If I can't find any information in the film to be true, I will say so, however sometimes people who criticize me say that if I "can't prove it isn't true, then it must be true". I'm sorry, that isn't how science works."

Okay maybe if I thought about it for a couple of minutes I could do better than that, but I'm lazy so that will suffice.
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Not the first one, the second one, geesh.... I know the first one is tin cap bull... I would not promote it, the second is much less of that and more sensible. Please don't go calling me simple-minded without fully understanding what I'm talking about.

edit: this post makes no sense anymore... ignore it.
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What are you talking about? The second one is just as bad as the first. Do you know what an addendum is?


Maybe building one wont create oil, but there is plenty of land owned by the U.S. that contains untapped oil.

If it was economically viable to do so, then it wouldn't remain untapped. One thing you can count on big business for, if there's money to be made , they'll do it. The oil you are talking about would be more expensive to drill than what it costs to import, the extra advantage of importing oil is that you still have those reserves, for when either it becomes cheaper to extract or the price of oil goes up.

Which of course isn't the solution to our energy crisis. We need a renewable source of energy, period.

I agree absolutely and unequivocally. My point is that even completely amoral capitalists should see that there is no reason at all to build more oil refineries, or to extract more oil, in the US.


I believe we're definitely heading in that direction. The first person to secure new technology for harvesting renewable energy will make billions. I would imagine there is very little incentive to make the public aware of private research - they wouldn't want to attract competition, after all.


I was not promoting the entire film, I was, however, promoting the use of some renewable energy sources/transportation methods mentioned in it (read my original post in which i stated that, please), I suppose I should have skipped to mentioning the specific ideas...

One example: we have means to make magnetically run trains that can travel much faster than most means of transportation we have available, including commercial airplanes (potentially, not yet). Why so little energy is put into making/developing it, i have no idea. .

Yet the best thing it mentions would have to be... Geothermal energy... explained fairly well here. . Don't disregard everything in a film just because most of it is crap... because you may find interesting bits like these. Sadly no major moves have been made to increase the use of geothermal energy, or the magnet trains.


The energy segment of the film is the only part of the film that relies on truth. If your intention was truly to just promote energy, you wouldn't have brought up Zeitgeist. For example, It wouldn't make any sense to send my grandfather through a porn shop to pick up a newspaper, or ask that people watch Titanic for the tit scene, right?

I would bet a million dollars that says if someone would have watched and said "Oh, that's interesting!" You would have been engaged in a discussion for hours on end about how the movie helped you open your eyes, dude. Unfortunately that ain't gonna fly in here, son.
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Ha... ha....ha... oh yeah. I love talking about the wonderful revelations and visions which I received while watching that 100% factual film..... < sarcasm...

Now, then... in all seriousness. I merely mentioned it for the fact that it was where I had originally seen the geothermal energy mentioned. I had only WATCHED the movie because I have an annoying friend who gets pissy if I don't watch EVERY single thing he feels like showing me. I did however find the info on geothermal energy enough to make me regret watching it slightly less.

edit: I would, actually send my grandfather to a porn shop to get a newspaper... merely because he'd probably be unamused, and I'd be amused seeing his face upon leaving.


So your way of not liking the film is by promoting it?

Also, thank you for pointing out that you were being sarcastic. I was really confused there for a couple of minutes and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with myself. On one end, I was thinking you were serious and YEAH ME TOO, but then on the other end I was thinking, BUT WHAT IF HE'S JOKING. This had me pacing all over my room and rethinking life as a whole... until I read that you were being sarcastic. Only then was I able to go about my normal route in life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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mocking me for pointing out the sarcasm is hardly constructive for anything. I pointed it out for the mere fact that tone of voice tends to be, for some reason unknown to me, difficult to transmit through text. I apologize for ensuring I was being clear, and I PROMISE that I'll remember in the future that attempting to be clear is a bad thing.

As I said before I mentioned it because it was where I had first seen it. here... just for the sake of ending this I'll edit it out.


Oh, but I too was being sarcastic! Perhaps I should have pointed this out!


Really? I like Orange M&Ms and anyone that doesn't is wrong and stupid. Politically I am a Pedestrian. (Meaning I prefer to walk away from this blue M&M favoritism crap) I wonder what kind of crap you posted on some other game forum about Bush when he was in office. (Extreme Sarcasm) At this point Obama could crap on a plate and call it policy and it would be better than the last president. I am not saying he is great, just that he would have to be more like Hitler to be worse.

Brave men run in my family.


If GM and/or Chrysler went out of business, it wouldn't be good for the economy, and a lot of people would be out of work, but it wouldn't destroy the economy. When banks fail, it affects more than just the employees and shareholders.

espesialy for your area. is it GM that has a plant in your area (I took a tour of it a few years ago, they no longer have tours there)


Which of course isn't the solution to our energy crisis. We need a renewable source of energy, period.

Amen, just like giving a junkie one more fix will do nothing to solve his problem, drilling more oil to provide for a fraction of our needs won't solve ours.