Discuss New World aka15


If you were new, you wouldn't be able to compete with the top 20 even if you wanted to. There is no way a noob can compete with experienced players even if he bought skillpoints.


I have been playing since close to 2008 when apparently World 1 started. What I mean it would be good for experienced players to start off on an equal footing. I have taken my one character to level 64 in a few months. So will be interesting for me to see how I would compete on a new world now that I am more experienced. As to oats etc. I have eaten all of them or did my horse eat all of them. Since the advent closed the prices on oats etc has sky rocketed. As to old worlds closing . Why? A player still has a choice. A new player might still go for 1 etc. I myself has also recently started on another old world. Also how many new players stick? I think older players that play multiple world still make up a large percentage of all the worlds.


I don't care for old worlds. They didn't care when I got punished for spitting on *censored* feature, you remember which one, why would I feel anything about them now?
And besides, put mexican or indian set on you with q.horse and you'll have the speed. Also use dueler premium for +20% speed. Oh, you're not playing dueler, right. :razz:

But the thread is about w15, right? Not old worlds.
the-west.de will get a new world next tuesday. Maybe, just maybe, our w15 is also nearby. ;)

Yeah, even with the Indian set it still takes an awfully long time to travel to the end of the world for a fort battle. Although I wasn't responding to the part about the Indian set or Mexican set or whatever else, I was referring solely to where you said you can halve travel time. Just pointing out that in old worlds, that option isn't there.


Can't wait for a W15. Definitely going for a hider/fort defender build.


Did I ever say it was difficult for anything?

Also, most people go for an Attacking Fort Build.


There is no attacking or defending fort build. Also there is no pure fort fighter build. If someone says there is, then that person knows nothing about fort fights or thinks HP monster is pure fort fighter.

There are 4 types of builds when we talk about forts:

1. normal build - this sums pretty much anything that isn't in other points, even pure FMS counts into this

2. jackofalltrades build, two types:
- all AP in STR, a part of SP in lead/dodge/aim/hide (how many depends on equipment) till you get +5 or +6 bonus on both chances depending on your class bonuses, the rest in HP
- AP mostly in STR till endurance is 88, the rest in MOB, SP like in previous depending on equipment in lead/dodge/aim/hide, rest of SP into HP

3. HP monster build - pure HP or nerfed jack of all trades where at least one of skill bonuses to a chance is below +5, sacrificed so more SP are placed into HP

4. gaga's soldier build till level cap, then turn into HP monster - well... ask her. Hint: AP doesn't go into STR.
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Actually getting a bit bored now. Only playing Briscoe to keep my hand in and learn the ropes until the new world. Any chance of a little new year cheer happening soon :)


You upcoming fort fighters in world 15 better lock your doors and hide your women, because I'm gonna be a pure fort fighter killer in world 15. Resistance build, hernandos sword... expect me to camp out at all your forts :laugh:


Ya how much longer till then Im getting impatient!!!! (JK but really when?)


Repetitively asking for (or demanding) the next world isn't going to make it come any quicker. By all means post constructive comments that actually add something to the thread, but the posts such as "I want it too" or "wens w15 coming i want world 15 lolz!!11!111!!" are not helping your cause nor adding anything worthwhile to the conversation. World 15 will be announced if/when a date has been decided.


I really do not understand why on .net they are trying to kill an old world (Scoundrels, LAWL), while on .de they just released a new world without the energy refill + skill buying premiums, but somehow that is not even possible on .net? let alone just a full premium new world..


Repetitively asking for (or demanding) the next world isn't going to make it come any quicker. By all means post constructive comments that actually add something to the thread, but the posts such as "I want it too" or "wens w15 coming i want world 15 lolz!!11!111!!" are not helping your cause nor adding anything worthwhile to the conversation. World 15 will be announced if/when a date has been decided.

Alright I see your point...... Sorry TW Team you guys are great!:)


so does anyone have any idea when it will be arriving, even if its just a rumour D:!?

im so bored atm iv even left my alliance on arizona to see if anyone offers me a place anywhere >.>



new worlds kill old worlds.
Actually, what killed the old worlds for me was the 2 hour limit. If it was just 1 hour like the new worlds then I wouldn't mind the old worlds. As a matter of fact it would help build them back up. Just my $.02