Deadliest Warrior


I roll my eyes and my head aches whenever I hear eastern warrior hype bs.

I'm with you on that one Divest, didn't get to read too much of the rest, but I will later on. Time to cook some food y'see! :p


Your right about some of it. But for example, gun and cutlass and grenado vs sword and crossbow. More advantage is given to said pirates because of advances. Now to go to the new ones I watched it and it was pretty good. I give the edge to Spetzsnaz because they were trained better, while the American army is practically babied and not prepared for some of the most difficult crap you will see on the battlefield.

Not true. The American special forces are brutalized in training. It's silly that they would make you think that the Russian's have any sort of edge just because people die during training. Casualties during training aren't something to be proud of, it's a loss of a valuable soldier and an obvious display of a primitive training regime. The russians also did quite a bit of silly and unnecessary acrobatics. They won the simulation simply because they did fancy crap like rolling around and dancing while they fought (things that would surely cost you your life on a real field of battle). Also, the American soldier did screw up the trials where they tested his run and gun abilities. Bear in mind that the Americans were both retired for over 15 years from American special forces. Honestly, do you call that an accurate representation of ability? Also, there are 15,000-20,000 Spetznaz(sp) at any given moment whereas there's only a few thousand green berets in the American army; this is because of the rigorous training and very particular and picky selection process that the candidates have to go through. Most don't make it but as opposed to the russians, they don't die, they're just placed elsewhere where they would be able to better serve their term.

I give the edge to the Mafia. I like the Italians and hey, these guys have existed for a real long time and they arn't gonna go away. Yakuza well, the katana and the nun-chuks would be better used in torturing and not in a real fight. The baseball bat can be carried anywhere.You dont have to be worried about being arrested with a baseball bat.

If you pit a katana v.s. a baseball bat I would take the sword in skilled hands any day of the week. That being said, I honestly don't know much about the Yakuza or Mafia to comment on this particular battle but I will say is this: I hardly consider either of them warriors. I think they're honestly running out of people to fight against each other after only one season and this is their depserate attempt to fill a void.
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Aztecs VS. Spanish Conquistadors
The Spanish had some advantages over the Aztecs (metal armor, guns, etc) However, their weapons were equal to what the Aztecs had.

But one advantage that Spanish had that the Aztecs didn't was being immune to diseases.

There's nothing more I can say about this. You have the right to call me an idiot. :)


Everyone knows the Highlander is the best warrior.....



Ok Divest.. you just basically wrote a book there on end of page 2, but I agree with most of it.
I think I heard about pure archer vs. caveman before.. Or something like that, cant quite remember, was a while ago.. But it was the dumbest one ever, because the caveman won!? The cavemans only weapons were wooden club, and rocks.. while archer obvioulsy had bow and arrow. Caveman are dumb and and close range while a pure archer is trained for just that of course.. and long range. They gave caveman more speed than a damn archer, where he charged and smashed the archer and his bow.. Makes no sence to think the archer wouldnt shoot him in the face and K.O. him before the fight basically even started. It was lame thats I can tell you though.
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Why does everyone keep assuming cavemen were stupid?
Or people living in the dark ages for that matter.
They were no less intelligent than you lot, quite the opposite.
Takes more than brute strength and endurance to survive as a caveman.


Tonight's episode was the Shaolin Monk v.s. Maori Warrior and it was quite a ridiculous match. From the way they gloriously portrayed the mythical abilities of the Eastern culture (monks) it was no surprise that everything they did on the show completely devasted the Maori warriors. It seemed to me that the monks weren't warriors at all, but rather a group of - well, monks - who preferred style (read: dancing) over actual fighting. In the monk's defense, they did have superior weapons and trained for long hard hours. On the other end, the Maori were pretty much a warrior culture. A stone age warrior culture, but a warrior culture nevertheless. I don't know too much about either group to really give an informed opinion on who I think should have one but I'm frustrated nevertheless about the exaggeration and misinformation this show obviously holds in favor of every Eastern warrior they "examine".


Divest, on the show, every weapon advantage went to the Maori as far as being more lethal. At least, that is what they wanted you to believe until they ran their program. Then the programmer geek at the end says he gave the weapon superiority to the monks because of the blades and metal used. I wish they could do this show for real! I would love to see them really go at it.
Still, the Maori relied mostly on brute force, which is great and dandy, but we all know there is more to fighting than that. For instance, I am about half your size (140-145 lbs 5'11") I would not want to ever fight you but if we did I am sure you would feel certain you would clobber me. While on the other hand, I would feel certain that I would be in mortal danger. Someone who is fighting for their life is going to fight harder. I can only say that if you hit me you would pretty much win, however, I am sure that I can move quite a bit faster than you and my stamina and conditioning are pretty good. I am pretty strong for my size though, in fact, deceptively strong. (I did foundation work, "packing panels" for five years to supplement my income) But I would go for your knee. Period. A big guy like you goes down with a crazy monkey like guy like me fighting and you would be in trouble. I would then poop in my hand and throw it at you. I can tell you most people do not know how to react when I do this. :)

I found it interesting that these two were pitted against each other because of the fact that the Maori are all about attacking while the Monks are mostly about defensive techniques.


Well, my only concern is over the hype they allow the Eastern culture. They seem to feed into that every opportunity they get. The monks could have been fantastic warriors, I don't know, but I would think that they're probably not as good as that show portrays them as.


Non-practitioners (inexperienced speculators) have made countless ridiculous comparisons of systems (aikido vs boxing, boxing vs wrestling, karate vs wrestling, kungfu vs karate, katana vs broadsword, etc). It's ridiculous because there are four main things that differentiate, of which only one is being marginally considered in that stupid show:

Technology (marginally considered in the show)
Real-application experience
Training intensity
and finally, the individual.

The individual is the largest factor. Who you are influences how you approach your training, the extent of your experience and your reality-based application. It is the internal driving forces of the individual that dictate these things, not what you're training in or even who trained you. After all, there's a reason why only a few people are champions.

Just like the vast majority of shows on television, it's entertainment, not reality-based.
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The main reason the monk won was because of those twin hooks. thats the only weapon they recieved edge in i believe I don't exactly remember


Now, the first time I saw Deadliest warrior was when they had Mafia vs Yakuza, and I have to say I gave up on the series after this:


Clearly these ******s do not know what they are doing when they use the wrong image (A Luger P08) for the Walther P-38 and broadcast it on national TV, this is a B-series show and should be moved to the Sci-fi channel (Or, soon to be called SyFy... gay name...)

There is a clear freaking difference between a Luger P08 and a Walther P-38. And plus a 30 year age difference and design.


Luger P08 style Handgun


Walther P38 style handgun

See the difference? I guess those ******s at spike don't. God damn, I cant stand people who don't know anything about guns. They must have their heads jammed so far up that they know everything about the intestinal tract... Geeze...



Wow, this really is an old thread... Hey, its still usefull! Gracias Jacob!


Well, my only concern is over the hype they allow the Eastern culture. They seem to feed into that every opportunity they get. The monks could have been fantastic warriors, I don't know, but I would think that they're probably not as good as that show portrays them as.

Until you've seen someone first hand shatter 1/4" steel plate with a finger, break a spear with their throat, or choose the brick that they plan to crush in a stack, you don't really appreciate what the Shao Lin can do.


Until I've actually seen them do those things, I'll stick to what I know.


Jozen, please... seeing is not the same as knowing. They're the equivalent of card tricks. I learned those things in the first few years of my studies. Steel can be manufactured with different elements, influencing the yield strength and impact resistance. This can be be further influenced with heat/cold, creating a strong, but brittle metal construct (the more commonly created prop is the round shield).

The spear trick relies on the bending of the flexible shaft, to redistribute the energy upwards and away, instead of against the throat.

the brick trick relies on knowing how much spacing to place between each brick (the bricks, btw, are formed vertically, so they settle in layers vertically, thus creating easily-split bricks). The greater the spacing, the more you allow each brick to break, and the energy transferred down to the next brick, so the power required to break one brick is sufficient to break many (accounting for energy loss). The shorter the spacing, the less likely the bricks will break. If you wish to break a single brick within a line of bricks, you give that particular brick more spacing than the rest.

Etc, and so on. Take a few physics courses and you won't be so easily conned.

Oh, and btw, there are no more Shaolin priests. What presently exists are martial art practititioners (wushu dancers sanctioned and previously sponsored by the People Republic of China) exploiting ignorant tourists. Or maybe you're not aware of the religious genocide imposed by the standing, and previous, Chinese governments.


I saw a westerner who was training with the Shaolin monks, and he was not dancing. He was breaking watermelons, wood boards 4" thick, crash test dummies. I don't think that they are tourist traps. And Deadliest Warrior did have a point. They did have to defend against raiders.