Daily Gospel

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Clothes do not stand in the way of the wrath of god, and you have been very, very naughty, and must be punished swiftly and justly! The finger of god knows no bounds :laugh:


21st OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
John 8:1-11 A Woman Caught in Adultery

Food for thought:
Repentance is God’s way of making the crooked straight.


John 8:1-11 A Woman Caught in Adultery

Food for thought:
Repentance is God’s way of making the crooked straight.

A woman caught in adultery is naked... "Well I caught my wife with another man, and it cost me 99..."

I have to disagree for the food for thought for the sake of Bill Clinton. There is no way what he has crooked will ever become straight again, unless he has minor surgery, of course.


LOL, :laugh:, that's a good one, brother David Schofield...


22nd OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
John 8:12-20 The Light of the World

Food for thought:
A Christian’s life is the canvas which others can see Jesus.


That's probably because they (or even me at times) don't "really have Jesus inside, brother Hellstromm... :sad:


23rd OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
John 8:21-30 Jesus, The Father’s Ambassador

Food for thought:
Gratitude is the memory of a glad heart.


best place is to report first is to temple.
been reading some "troubling things"
need a few things from a place of worship before i go hurt someone on the forum,,hoping coming here first will reduce the "penalty".

i need a prayer for a very good person who has fallen ill, he/she has done a great deal for the world.

ok, im off to go play rough now


I hope and pray that person gets a speedy recovery and be well again soon enough, brother Black Penny...:sad:


24TH OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
John 8:31-42 Jesus and Abraham

Food for thought:
God speaks to those who are quiet before Him.


25TH OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
Luke 1:26-38 Announcement of the Birth of Jesus

Food for thought:
Turn to the Lord and pray to Him now that He is near. – Is 55:6


isn't it lent, not advent?

Luck 1:26-38 is more of an advent gospel isn't it not?


It has probably has something to do with the delivery of the message/s.. brother Gizmo..as well as how such message was accepted. From the old Sarah and Abraham... Sarah giggled. The "barren" Elizabeth and Zechariah, "Zechariah momentarily became dumb until John was born. As for Mary, - Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." - acceptance without doubting and in complete humility.


26TH OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
John 10:31-42 Feast of the Dedication

Food for thought:
Daily work takes on eternal value when it is done for God.


27TH OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
John 11:45-56 Session of the Sanhedrin

Food for thought:
Listen to understand, then speak with love.


28TH OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
Luke 19:28-40 The Entry into Jerusalem

Food for thought:
God broke into human history to offer us the eternal gift of salvation.


29TH OF MARCH, 2010

Gospel for today:
John 12:1-11 The Anointing at Bethany

Food for thought:
The greatest force on earth is not the compulsion of law but the compassion of true love.


Hi Yall!

Some of my thoughts- Is it reasonable (literally) to believe in God? Well, is it reasonable to believe that the Empire State building had an architect? Yes, I think so, and why? What do we have as proof of the existence of that architect? Very simply, the building itself! The building itself is the evidence of the existence of the architect.

Now then look at the universe, or even just the human body. There is more design in the human body than the most intricate, complex man-made computer enhanced machinery in existence. We as humans cannot even come close to performing an eye transplant let alone create one. The Cell is an amazing example of a perfectly working machine, the examples could go on and on. So, as a matter of logic, it is highly unreasonable and illogical to believe that although such design exists in our universe, there is no designer behind it. One of the reasons why many of us resist the reasonableness of God's existence, is that we resist the ramifications it may have to us personally. I may prefer to be the master of my own domain, and I don't need a God to infringe his laws on me....

But if God exists, then the question is what can we know of him? How has he revealed himself? And for a last thought on that, I'll quote someone else...."For his invisible attributes can be clearly seen though what has been made...."
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