Count to 00,000



Oh Harley we can't do that...who'd clean up the mess? and besides wait until you see all of my new toys! I bet one them will put a smile on your face, or at least turn that frown upside down oh and don't worry Dubble I think you're going to become very important to the plot...just not in a way you'd like *evil chuckling*



So it turns out that the memory loss drugs might have ended up working far more efficiently than I expected...




Better than a bunch of little kids running up to you yelling daddy.



I'm not even sure what this is anymore. We've just descended into madness and chaos. Giggle. I guess the plan did work after all Mr. J....


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure I should make a smiley face upside down from my forehead. So that I let everyone know how satisfied I am.



Of course it worked! its so stupid that its genius! I mean Donald Trump is set to become idiot in chief of one of the most powerful countries in the world and no one bats an eye. But Dub and Apel get married without either of them realising it and everyone loses their freaking minds! *manic laughter* Now for phase two *clears throat* would my lovely assistant be so kind as to...NOT YOU DUBBLE!....right as I was saying...bring forth the secret weapon! oh and cool upside down frowny face asdf, a bit of lucite and we can make that permanent.



So in other words Braet, you're saying you want to... put a smile on that face? Giggle. Oh Mr. J... Hands over the secret weapon. One thing Mr. J... It was barking earlier, is it supposed to do that?



Why of course Harley, we all need to smile more! now does anybody need me to help them smile? No? a pity...I so love sharp pointy things *chuckles evilly* but I digress the secret weap...Barking?...hmm...probably not...oh well lets treat it as an added bonus but first TA-DAAA! *rips away the sheet to unveil a big red button* now who wants to push my button?



I'm not sure what scares me more, the fact that you're both so unbelievably in character without so much as an effort, or the fact that Trump is on a voting ballot.

One of them might lead to me dead, the other might lead to a dead world. Not quite sure which one is more likely.



Push away Harley, push away! Lets see what this bad boy can do...and then perhaps we can make Dubbs dream of a chainsaw wielding president Trump come true, oh don't worry Dubble, SMILE! When you smile the world smiles back...go insane and they laugh their freaking heads right off *manic laughter*



Damn right we will! And the wider and bloodier they are the better, push the button Harley its time everyone learns of the surprise we have in store for them...