Feedback Changelog 2.221

Still having issues with the "offie re-set button". Both Rooster and I were made Major-Generals. The target re-set button lit up once when battle began. I hit the button and attempted to move the selected 'offie' to a new sector. The button was not lit up for Rooster (I asked him). He tried and got no response. I must assume that you know about this issue. I had no problem moving me. But the'offies' , well, I never got a movement arrow. Figured I'd just keep trying. Never did get a moment arrow, just their player info. I do not believe that this was purely an operator error on my part. I'm not as experienced as most but if I can move myself I should have been able to move selected 'offie'. I still kinda feel like I let my comrades down. I read what info I could find about the changes but it was not very comprehensive. Anyway, I hope this feed-back helps in some way. My very first promotion to a Major-General and not only did we lose but I got myself killed trying to move these offices to help me. They were on my 6 and online players (what very few we had) could not get to me in time, so maybe if we can that button working properly And we give out some more detailed instructions if still needed, then, perhaps we can win when we fight again. I recruited hard to get us comrades. Rooster helped. We got quite a few but most were not online. So, yeah, I worked hard just to get our team together. And I'm kinda disappointed cuz no matter how you dice it up in the end, I failed them miserably. And, I died on top of it. Lol. No regrets. I love this game. I am seeing a lot of complaints about how Briscoe is too small but I do not see anyone actively doing anything about that from the people complaining about how much better it used to be. The opportunity and reward are posted prominently enough. So, I thank you for this opportunity to give feedback. I love it here in Briscoe. I also thank you all sincerely for the hard work you do for us. - Sergeant Lis Vallette :)

Goober Pyle

The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
The offie reset function is not specific to the offie chosen; it changes the target for _all_ offies--the starting point of the arrow is immaterial. Once one general/major-general has employed the function it cannot be employed again by anyone. It is known that the person who deployed it won't be able to draw a new arrow. It is possible that under certain circumstances other generals will still be able to draw an arrow to no effect.

The function was used successfully on many battles (The colorado attack was a perfect demonstration of its effective use). I will ask that the Briscoe battle be reviewed for a potential bug.


Well-Known Member
It worked fine in Dakota's normal FF and in yesterday's NPC Awesomia. AI movement still puts them on bad tile choices, but that's the same as when a player choses a sector more than one away and the AI picks the tile(s) for the intervening sectors.


Well-Known Member
Sector labels default
We have changed sector labels default stage. Now labels are disabled by default.

Not so in Navajo...


Well-Known Member

another half assed update from inno, with damagers always taking point when you call for offliners to move to that spot. i mentioned this will happen on beta forum and you still released this incomplete trash


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gabe nelson

in the fort fights ive been on ive seen it both be valuable as well as a non-factor. If it were feasible an ability to order offies by class might help (that way damagers aren't summoned to a front line) or even perhaps further refined so that a general is given a limited number of times to move a specific offline player to a location. Though this might not be possible. otherwise yeah, don't enlist in ff if you can't be online or deal with this possible outcome.


Well-Known Member
Knowing that you have the option to move offlies once and that they move in the standard order, a general should know how to rank properly to account for that.


Well-Known Member
I think not allowing specific player targeting is wise, so no chance of foul play. I did think maybe there should be a 2,5k HP minimum for offie movement, to avoid moving low level, lesser skilled, wrong clothed or damager build players.

And from my pov, I've seen the feature both be useful and abused. Perhaps it would be helpful to have a chat prompt appear when the movement is activated, as in.... General XYZ has ordered the movement of offliners. I've seen a few occaisions where no one knew who did what and it takes some rounds of guessing for where they (offies) are headed. Also, in the instances of abuse, we can know who was behind this and perhaps towns can take action with demotion should they see it a problem.


The West Team
Fort Balancing Strategist
Forum moderator
I think not allowing specific player targeting is wise, so no chance of foul play. I did think maybe there should be a 2,5k HP minimum for offie movement, to avoid moving low level, lesser skilled, wrong clothed or damager build players.

And from my pov, I've seen the feature both be useful and abused. Perhaps it would be helpful to have a chat prompt appear when the movement is activated, as in.... General XYZ has ordered the movement of offliners. I've seen a few occaisions where no one knew who did what and it takes some rounds of guessing for where they (offies) are headed. Also, in the instances of abuse, we can know who was behind this and perhaps towns can take action with demotion should they see it a problem.
I recently felt I was moved while playing on phone. Switching tabs for too long will show me as offline. Annoying to switch back in to see your low HP character moved to the front line...

Luckily there's westforts in which I could confirm I was moved in that brief moment as it logs ALL movements there. I won't be signing up to help that town, that's for sure!


Well-Known Member
@mnnielsen @Syntex

It seems the troll-hard of the new offline feature has moved on, however, I still think it would be prudent to add in a chat prompt saying something to the effect of "Major General "KOBIYASHI" has ordered a re-targeting of offliners." We have notifications for chat rights, and other features, and this one still seems to happen time and time again without anyone knowing who did it. Not to mention we have 2x the amount of ranks who can order it. Thanks


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5597

another half assed update from inno, with damagers always taking point when you call for offliners to move to that spot. i mentioned this will happen on beta forum and you still released this incomplete trash
as suggested IF people actually use ranks as they were intented then its only a rank issue and not a update issue . The new meta in rankings should be that offline snipers should get the lowest rank possible.