Belle Starr's Derringer


Is it still obtainable the same way, or did they change it? Cause I was planning on staying up till 4am today to get it, but I heard they changed the quest or something?


Good question...

I really hope they didn't, that will not be fair for everyone. :dry:


it was a rumor before the update hit, unless a mod told you differently I would treat it just as a rumor. Glad I got it in both worlds 2 weeks ago :)


It's not showing up for me...

I have beat the quests
got a fancy jacket, newspaper, and no weapon equipped


Well what a waste it was staying up till 3am...If they had plans to change it they should have let us know...


I heard that they moved it 10 hours later...I have it so I cannot check it.
Someone who doesn't try it...