About praying...


looking back at the origins of the word doesn't help much in modern society since language has distorted and warped throughout time.
Church = Christianity worshipping place
Temple = Worshipping place that usually has monks (christianity has monks as well, but they use different names)


I know what praying is for, or at least one of the things. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, if you pray, then finish the construction on a item building such as taylor, gunsmith, or general store, that store will have better and more items for a day or two, then it will revert back to the normal lower items. Go ahead and try it.


Am I the first person to post that? Ive never seen it posted before.


When my character prays, he gets a little bit more energy back than the normal amount..

I pray only once a day though. Before my character starts building a townbuilding.



The only thing i found that praying does is it gets you to the town.:)g