2nd Degeneration RPG (reattempt)


{ Sorry for the late posting, I'm busy this few days.}

Steven walked up to John,
" Hey, ur looking for some BCCs? I'll gladly help you, we should look around the mess hall, maybe they are there."


John shakes his head. "They're not in the mess hall. They were the ones transporting whatever caused this quarantine. I just hope what happened on the moon, or every zombie, space alien attack, and similar movies, tv shows, video games, books, etc., doesn't happen here."


" In that case, we better stick together and find them quickly. We don't know what is in this place."

Steven looked into his backpack and a smile of confidence appeared once he saw his gun.


(arrives in mess hall) Hello, oh its you two, do you know what's happening?


James was in bis combat suit. He grabbed his weapons from his shelf. He put a sling on his plasma rifle and shouldered it. He holstered his energy pistol and plasma pistol. He grabbed his gause rifle and then ran to the mess hall. "Jesus,whats going on?" he thought.


The flame seemed to work. Most of the material had burned of his body. "Jesus, what the hell were we transporting?" I said to myself. "Bio-hazard material detected in the air." the computer in my helmet said. That wasn't good at all. Suddenly, the left over material that we didn't burn started spreading rapidly along the floor. I took out my flamethrower and started burning the material, but it continued advancing. I stepped back. "This isn't good!" I yelled. It spread onto the tunnel that the shuttle uses and spread into the dark and along the ceiling. "It's got me!" one of my men yelled. I looked over at him. It was spreading from his foot, up.


"You guys are no help." John walks away toward the shuttle station. When he arrives, he sees the BCC team fighing some goo. "John, that is probably the biological material detected," HAL said. "Aw great. If I knew we would be fighting goo, I would have brought my plasma pack. Oh well." John opened fire on the goo with his minigun.


So he runs, follow him!! (down the hall) Phew, we caught, what is happening here, ugghhh look at that goo, use the plasma guns and flamethrowers I want it destroyed!!


John glares at the Frenchman. "You don't have jurisdiction over me. Technicially I have jurisdiction over you. So shut up, and just fire on that thing."


Johns minigun ripped the material to shreds. But it's hard to kill goo that is spreading everywhere. "We're running out of room! We need to get out of here!" I yelled. While we were fighting the goo, another broadcast came on," Biological material detected in air and in shuttle system. Emergency shut down of all shuttle systems." That meant no more shuttles. Not good, not good at all.


I should remind you monsiuer my men won't listen to you, I'm joint security head, I don't have any obligation to obey your orders, and my men will happily sit in our ship and shoot anything that comes in while watching the base fall apart. Now let's put all this bitterness aside, cut off the air system, make sure everybodys got an airtank, open the portals so that the stuff will be sucked out thhe door and wait in a secure room while letting the cameras and inner defenses watch what happens. I mean we cant't seem to kill it but if it's a gas it will go out the doors and into space and if it is an evil alien thing usually in the movies it has to form into this terrifying living organism to attack, then the heroes kill it after horrible, murderous carnage, remember this is not Alien.


"That's the dumbest __ plan I've ever heard. Our air tanks won't last that long. And what will waiting in a room do? I say we just get out of here!" I say to the Frenchie.


"Yeah, and they survive, even if you blast them with fire from a spaceship engine. That's not solving the problem, that's putting it under the rug. And how do you know that this isn't Alien? For all we know, you could be the reincarnation of Sigourney Weaver, in which case I would kill you, because she deserves more than being stuck in a Frenchman's body. I say we freeze it. Then it won't be able to move."


Okay so now it's more like the blob, hey that might even be what it is! Well I suppose, I'll go back to my ship and grab the industrial ice and snowmakers, if you're are wondering why I have these it's that even holograms are only a so convincing entertainment.


James ran down the halls and got there. He saw what was happening. "No.....no," James thought. He studied archeology a few times on Mars. There was an extinct race, and a goo was a reason they became extinct. James ran over and said,"What is happening?!?"


After the pilot who had left to go find BCC team Nikko smiled to himself/
"Sir shouldn't we have helped him or something?" Jeff asked
"Nah were gonna leave this spill to the BCC team us on the other hand are gonna go army up and get ready for hell." Nikko replied
"Wait what?" Jeff asked
"Never mind just follow me to my room I got a stash of weapons there"
"You not a normal security officer are you sir?"
"Nope I'm a security officer who watches too much TV and if all the zombie movies are right this is gonna become hell"


Shawn decided to take a detour to the mess hall. There was too much secret crap going on at this place and it might not be a simple quarantine. He went to his room and started to gear up, grabbing is bio-hazard suit, plasma rifle, magnum, and trusty combat knife.


"Hey, if you guys wouldn't mind, we have a biological blob trying to eat us all up!" I yelled at them. The fire and gunshots was only keeping it at bay.


(door opens) Well it appears they are doing a good job holding that thing back ayy boys? Yes General. Now set up these ice and snow machines, put them at full power, now fire let's freeze this thing!! (snow and ice starts flying through the hall hitting the blob and gradually freezing it)


"Finally! French technology is useful!" He took out an ice capsule and put it in the minigun. He opened fire again, and anywhere the bullets hit, a bit of the goo started to freeze.