2012 U.S. Presidency


i agree with victor on this point
Looking from the outside in it wont make a bit of difference what party wins they are virtually the same anyway, its the lobbyists that run things not some figurehead.. nothing will change same as always and promises made will never be kept.
its all about the fat cats


Obama and a new VP.......look up the word 'realpolitik' and you'll see obama's picture......


are we talking about the same guy? you know, that guy who stole the election from gore, started two wars, increased the deficit by trillions, signed a bunch of tax cuts, etc?


are we talking about the same guy? you know, that guy who stole the election from gore, started two wars, increased the deficit by trillions, signed a bunch of tax cuts, etc?

Ah, I see. You're using "realpolitik" in the archaic, non-pejorative sense. Unfortunately, the more common use of it now is as a disparaging or belittling force which focuses on power to the dismissal of all other factors (morals, principles, etc). I.e., Machiavellian. That better describes Bush Jr., albeit without the braincells.


My guess is that the Tea Party will somehow split the Republican vote and Obama will win by a land slide, because the TP is stupid like that.


alas, plato would be turning in his grave......too bad there are no philosopher kings nowadays.....


Here's another addition to the possibilities for President. Herman Cain who's on the Republican side.

Herman Cain is an impressive fellow I think because he's a business man (he has returned unprofitable franchises like Godfather's Pizza and Philadelphia area Burger Kings which probably sounds like poor qualifications to run a country but politicians like Barack Obama can't claim something better), he strongly believes that the US is still worth mantaining as a great nation, and he seems to have some good ideas. I know, I didn't give much evidence and I probably should put a little more work into it, so here are some links
That probably isn't good enough but, I unfortunately don't feel like writing much more at the moment.

I should note that recently in a FOX news debate (yes FOX) he debated with low profile Republican hopefuls like Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and Rick Santorum. He was declared the victor of the debate.
(Alright, I know I haven't presented many facts. At least watch a speech though, he's an awsome speech maker.)

One last thing, remember that Philosopher King is not the best idea for a modern politician. They are idealistic and can cause totalitarianism, see Marx, Engels, and Plato himself (he inspired Ayatollah Khomeini to an extent on how society "should" work).
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One last thing, remember that Philosopher King is not the best idea for a modern politician

The term the Greeks used was "Tyrant" and to be honest it summed them up pretty well


I was aiming more towards somebody with the political will to implement changes that everyone knows needs to be done. It would be nice if obama spammed executive orders on these nonpartisan issues.


Executive orders should not be spammed, it may seem like the right thing to do at the time. But spammed executive orders could lead to an overly powerful executive branch, setting the stage for a future dictator possibly. What is needed is somebody who is willing to do the right thing without destroying checks and balances. And even more importantly, protecting the rights of those who are doing the right thing when what they do is their right. There is a reason why branches of the U.S. Government, its states, and its citzens all have rights that are assigned according to the constitution. At the moment the federal level seems to be repeatedly overreaching from their rights and taking the rights of states and citzens.
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sorry, is it just me or has hyperpluralism taken over america........


2 parties is 1 party far from dictatorship. Chances of new party breaking in small . Us needs a parliamentary system where minorities are heard and witch forces government to compromise for the common good and not just cater to special interests.
Will that happen, hell no. Corporate America and the religious right will bring this country down in flames before they nudge one inch.


Um, well first of all corporate America describes the set up of almost every U.S. companies including my father's small business. Believe it or not their are good things about being a corporation. As for a "parliamentry" system, I should tell you that it works almost the same as a house and senate except there is only one trial instead of two when a bill comes before the nation's leader. Political parties are a rotten thing, but the founders of the nation didn't like the ideal either and didn't start the senate and house with political parties in mind. That was a later addition. Parliamentry systems, if you didn't notice also feature political parties, and "coalitions". Coalitions can be worse than parties since the two sides have come to an agreement that they will always hold power and destroy any new opponents. At least with America's two main parties there at each other's throat often enough that the minorities actually come through as there is no majority plot to dispose of them. The religious right, please point them out as I don't see how they have anything to do with this discussion. Although I would like to know why you want the minority opinion heard, yet blame corporations and right wing religious congregations for the destruction of the U.S. you forsee. Don't they have an opinion, can't they be heard too or do you believe that only "certain" minorities should be given voice and that the majority should be overlooked in favor of their opinion?


Quote lafittejean;
"The religious right, please point them out as I don't see how they have anything to do with this discussion. Although I would like to know why you want the minority opinion heard, yet blame corporations and right wing religious congregations for the destruction of the U.S. you forsee. Don't they have an opinion, can't they be heard too or do you believe that only "certain" minorities should be given voice and that the majority should be overlooked in favor of their opinion?"

Majority = The ones who can lobby a corrupt Washington, Corporations, Religious right and right wing "think tanks"
Minority = The ones who can not afford to lobby Washington, Us diminishing middle class, blue collar workers, small business owners.
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Ahhh... So the majority is "evil" and the minority are "angels". According to you therefore the Chamber of Commerece which has many members who are small businesses. And you can't forget all the lobbyists working lobbying for the poor http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/14/AR2008121401811.html! Boy oh boy, them people sure are EVIL since they have lobbyists. And the majority are right wing think tanks? I believe most of them identify themselves as conservative, though a cursorary check would probably reveal leanings all over the board (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Think_tanks). I think you should edit your definitions of a minority since we could pretty much right off the entire population except for extremists like the nazis and KKK as the villanous majority. And the afore mentioned being the good guys. Also, does the majority have to be evil in your mind?


So K-street and lobbyists are the base of democracy and what makes it functioning in a way that serves the American people best,