Website - English support


Two little additions:
  • The Wasteland questline mess should be now a little bit less messy, as the quest completion should now work there too. No matter how did you complete it, it should bother you no more (there are 16 different ways, not even considering professions).
  • You can now ignore a questline. The button is located on the page of each questline. An ignored questline will be marked as complete in your progress bar and also won't appear in your Quest Reminder.
By the way, sorry there are currently less new features (and bugfixes) like usually, it's my exam period...


I just noticed the Ignore this questline button, Petee - many thanks!!

And The Wasteland disappeared off of my list of incomplete quests at the same time I ignored the Paladin quest. :D


today I've finished the ingame Cloth Calculator for the new game version 1.34
Thanks on this place to petee for the help to fix little chrome problems.

the Scipts is still on Beta-phase, but for now there are no known errors.

How it works:

you get a new butten next to the tw-db import button. Image will be changed later to an nicer one.

clicking to this button will open the ClothCalc Window.
On first load on background the best ClothData is getted from This would take about one to five seconds.
After sucessfull loading you will get an message

on this stage you can get two errors:
please log in on -> so please log on, its a registered member feature only!
bad request [212] -> your char isn't imported on, so please import once your char, but the later calc result didn't is related on that imported data, so you didn't need to make an import on every ingame calc usage

the loading pistols will fade away after data is succesfull loaded.


the carry of best items is done over this window. select the job you would do and click to the shown items.
the job list could be sorted through the little icons on top. the sort order could also be changed if you click once again to the same icon.

and the main part, how do you get it:

Yours sincerely,
scoobydoo :)

PS: it's realy only for game version 1.34 or higher as it depends on new inventory system, so it is for now only useable for beta players until inno hasn't released 1.34 on .net worlds


Until 1.34 is on all worlds, you should probably change @include to beta. [Very nice start though.]
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the game version is checked on script itself, so it will be automatic deactivated if gameversion lower than 1.34


Am I the only one experiencing problems importing my skills and inventory to TW-DB?
I submitted several times but my World 15 character is gone. Only an old, deleted W13 character and some dk-server character remain...
When I use the web console it seems that there are some errors in the script it fetches when using it.
I use FF.

*EDIT: It worked when importing from IE8...*
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Am I the only one experiencing problems importing my skills and inventory to TW-DB?
I submitted several times but my World 15 character is gone. Only an old, deleted W13 character and some dk-server character remain...
When I use the web console it seems that there are some errors in the script it fetches when using it.
If you are using Firefox, I recommend to use the Quick Import Button instead of putting in the JS code manually. But if you say there are some errors in the script, could you please provide me with the whole log? It's kinda harder to determine what's wrong when I only know there are errors :)...

By the way (but possibly your case as well), Firefox users started to frequently report that their imports are not assigned to their accounts. This might be caused by blocking Third party cookies in their browser. It's not possible to access our TW-DB cookies from the game, if they are not allowed. I recommend putting on the Exceptions list (Options -> Privacy -> Exceptions (near to other cookie settings) -> enter '', Allow).


Got an achievement for you you don't have and I haven't seen anywhere. Makes me wonder if there's a third one with a reward, probably a title or a doctor's bag.



My town's mortician has a leak from all the bodies stacked around, the floor is getting very slippery. Help me, abedy! ;)


Thanks for the small update on the import script, I really appreciate that I can now go directly to quests or crafts after importing my data. You rock!



I can't import my stats or items on TW-DB. I put this link on my address bar:'twdbi nominimize noreload').addTab('Te rog așteaptă'); jQuery.getScript( ''); void(0), but nothing happend. I need a Script for this ? I'm useing Mozilla Firefox.


did you check to make sure "javascript:" was in front of the script?


Newer FF and Chrome browsers strip the javascript: from URLs for security reasons. Make a bookmark (In FF 8, Firefox > Bookmarks > Right click Bookmarks menu > New Bookmark, with the script as the location, or simply use the userscript.


Doesn't work. Maybe I can't import from Beta... Again, I need to download and to install some Script ?


Almost each browser has it's own way to make direct JavaScript input as painful as possible :). The first, recommended option is to simply use the userscript (direct link) or create a bookmark. If you want to just try the import first by using a normal script, here is a table of ways to do it for some browsers:
[U]Your browser      [/U]
Firefox [B][COLOR="Red"](*)[/COLOR][/B]       |  press Ctrl + Shift + K, paste the code
Chrome [B][COLOR="Red"](*)[/COLOR][/B]        |  press Ctrl + Shift + J, paste the code
Internet Explorer |  paste the code in the URL bar, then manually enter "javascript:" in front of the code
Opera & Safari    |  paste the code in the URL bar
In all cases confirm by hitting Enter.

Also, if you are using Firefox or Chrome for the import and it doesn't assign your imported data to your account at TW-DB, please check this:
Firefox users started to frequently report that their imports are not assigned to their accounts. This might be caused by blocking Third party cookies in their browser. It's not possible to access our TW-DB cookies from the game, if they are not allowed. I strongly recommend putting on the Exceptions list (Options -> Privacy -> Exceptions (near to other cookie settings) -> enter '', Allow).

Chrome has this setting too - chrome://settings/content, 4th option from the top.
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