P&P Arizona RPG


What am I seeing? 2 smalls and one mid fort? No bigs? So the town treasury is near empty... I suggest begging infiniti to fill it.

And noone answered who took the juicy bounty in the dueling thread... Which brings suspicions... Time to check it up with support, right? :)
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This from the town who removed themselves from forts saying "We don't want to fort fight anymore".

This smacks of a temper tantrum Berkie, and frankly, I thought you were above it. With that attitude, who can be blamed for not inviting Unhinged to the "play date".

Everyone else, let them get it out of their system, we can continue on as always :)

If you must know, it wasn't my idea so it's hardly a temper tantrum...you shouldn't "assume" :p


Currently in progress: A mixed, hilarious, civil and very FUN STONE battle at The Gritty survivors!! Was a hoot we should do this more often guys ;)


Wasn't that a small fort, Black? No steel boxes... Forgeddit. Leave it to those multidigging poor sods, willya please?


Wasn't that a small fort, Black? No steel boxes... Forgeddit. Leave it to those multidigging poor sods, willya please?

Gawd, im soooo glad u weren't there! It wouldn't be half as FUN! :p and stop harshing everyone's buzz, willya?!?! :D


Seems .pl worlds, especially their Arizona world, are getting the lowest player activity ever since the west started today for some reason.

Will the same thing happen to our w13? Dunno. But I know a certain player level 1 here on .net won't be happy. :)


Report any characters via support system. The forum is not the place to post such suspicions.
So what's your profession? :)


Today we have the first case of paying 3000$ for a small fort.
Too bad the hatchet wasn't on a big fort, but let's be optimistic and hope for it tomorrow.


Today we have the first case of paying 3000$ for a small fort.
Too bad the hatchet wasn't on a big fort, but let's be optimistic and hope for it tomorrow.

Who paid $3000 for a small fort?
No Picture no Proof


So,now the Axe Murderer has fallen.Who will inhert the great throne of The Badassed Dueler of Arizona?Now,Derek you are one of the Saber-tooths(New Nickname)Or The Bladebreaker(oh!that sounds good)

P.S You were a great Axe Murderer...;)
P.P.S Now who will become the new Axe Murderer?:blink:

I will be returning in July with a fearsome build and handful of eggs!

Arizona will quake once again at the hands of Derek the Great Egg Slinger!


As promised, albeit a month and a day early the fearsome Derek has returned as the soon to be infamous as the Great Egg Slinger of Arizona!

Cracked my first few eggs this morning and after a little fine tuning got the mixture just right, a new era has begun - watch your back as without warning the Great Egg Slinger will strike without prejudice!!


Failed 1st Attempt


Spot on!

Arizona beware!

Fear the great egg slinger!


how the wold changes.

It's amazing how a world changes.. In the past week or so, several of the towns have split off from the larger alliances and started their own things. Some have moved away from fort fighting, some have refocuses on it. Well, let me take you into the minds of some tactitioners in one of the large alliances. Imagine a smoked filled room somewhere in a bunker in Europe where the New Trinity alliance monitors the world for domination.

Several towns broke away from the Lesser of Two Evils alliance and this was noticed by some prepubescent kid who screams in a high pitched voice, Oh noes, they are on their own now and there's 149 of them in their alliance. whatever shall we do, we only have 600+ members in New Trinity after all the good ones left to start their own thing.. There's no need to fear, the courageous leader The-master-ultra said to reassure the juniors that things would be alright.

So The-master-ultra gathered all his generals, including Legko who has been ridiculed in county chat by his own side recently for his brilliant battle leads, and they set off to create a plan. They first ordered some Pizza and soda pop. They then broke out their pens and paper and started brain storming. After several hours and a couple burnt out light bulbs, The-master-ultra came up with an idea. "Let's multi battle them. They don't like multi battles and with only 149 players in the alliance, we are sure to be a match for them finally". But the other generals just weren't sure. They asked what about our forces, if we multi battle them, we will be split up too, and there is only 600 of us.

So they set off to ponder some more. This time, smoke started rolling and the fire department showed in force. It wasn't because of their brain storming, but someone decided to sneak a smoke in the washroom and put a butt out in the waste can catching it on fire. Thankfully, nothing was seriously damaged except someone's pride when their mom told them they couldn't use the basement any more. But alas, this fire situation struck The-master-ultra really hard. It was almost as if he was in a cow chip throwing contest and got beamed in the mouth. "I got an idea" he exclaimed joyfully. We don't dig both battles, we just dig one battle after someone else digs a battle. Cheers rang out in joy, New Trinity finally had a way to beat the group of towns who broke off from Lesser of Two Evils and revived the old Up in Smoke name.

After hours at almost what seemed like days of constant monitoring, their opertunity had surfaces. Little miss Crimpet, from the arrow order of white, who recently joined forces with UnSeen hands (it was unseen feet, but thanks to the adkins diet, they can see them well now), dig a battle on the UiS reborn alliance. It was just a small battle, but they knew that because unseen hands was going to be there, the UiS reborn alliance would send their best fighters to defend that fort. So the master ultra, run as fast as he could to the computer and dig a battle on them not more then 24 minutes later.

"Success!" he cheered. "we can finally win a battle again" another tactitioneer proclaimed. "Yea, our alliance of 600 people isn't worthless any more" another exclaimed. So now they set off to discover an attack plan that will work against the lesser players of Up In Smoke Reborn, they know planning is crucial, cause they can't appear more pathetic then it already appears, unless they lose a multi battle against an alliance of 140 some people.

The events told here are real, or as real as I can imagine seeing how it's the order of events in Arizona right now. New Trinity has stooped to digging a multi battle against a small alliance in hopes of winning a fort back. But to be fair, the person who dug the battle told me they don't have any forts and we took that one from them a while ago so a multi battle to get one back was justified.

But wow how things have changed. New Trinity went from being one of the largest most powerful alliances to an alliance who thinks it has to dig multi battles on a small alliance to win a small fort. It's sort of sad in a way, but then again, I always thought that.


a multi!!!!

Darn I was not online to call one too

I guess I will have to wait for the next one


You know the funny thing is, I believe your multis are there to shake things up a bit where as this one from New Trinity is because they think they need it to win.

But I could be wrong. They could have no hope of winning but want to rally their troops or something. It's interesting trying to figure the mindset out. I keep thinking of cartoon caricature where they are anthropomorphic chihuahuas shivering in the corner, yelping for attention so someone regards them as more then ankle biters.

Maybe I watch to much ren and stimpy?


And meanwhile on the other side of the world, the poor little Shadow City is facing an attack on it's lone fort by zandzoftymez and wondering what we could have possibly done to deserve such aggression :tumble:

I hope it had nothing to do with this :rolleyes:



futu, what about your nonadventurer class wannabe attempts against Beer membaz? :razz:

The two attacks on two small forts... Um... This is really odd. Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested into w13 politics for several months now and today because of that multi I've just noticed that towns White Arrow and Unscrewed are now allied?!
Ppl, you're making things too complicated. Yesterday I knew Clotho, xtxtxtxt, sisosisu and Shaelee are against me in forts. Today, since Clotho plays all fights on the side of former Unhinged alliance last month, how can I be sure she won't come on my side? I can't.

So although I've said I won't come to any of tonight's two fights, I actually will come. Pick the fort with Clotho inside and enter the side that's against Fresh Start town. :)


I can tell you're just itching to side with unseen hands or participate in the multi from New Trinity.

The one is a stretch, but the other seems to be within your alliance's style. So lets not pretend it has anything to do with clotho or XT and acknowledge that the animal instinct within is strong.

Yeah.. I just poked some fun.. ------>~|