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I was thinking when I posted on this, where would you put the building in the town's skyline? But then it occurred to me that there is that building next to the mortician that could be changed up to represent a blacksmith shop or there is space between the unused building and the mortician that would work as well.

No offense, but I think the original idea stands quite well by itself. I think that the ideas for additional small items that could be made is taking it way over the top. However Wally's idea that there is a small percentage chance that the blacksmith might not be able to upgrade the item is plausible. It would add interest to performing the task.
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I was thinking about a blacksmith, too. Sounds like a good idea to me. And Denisero's right, it shouldn't be in a saloon.

Matt Beaver


great idea to improve the game and make it more interesting.
it is more realistic. up the weapons will be lot easier now.


A very good idea. It will give us a great deal of help with the weapons.


I was also thinking about something like this, although my take was a little different... When reading the posts about possible changes to the dueling rules based on different skills and abilities I thought it would be interesting to attempt this with a tradesman quest line / skill set. I.E. anyone would be able to upgrade weapons by completing a questline and having the appropriate skills.

the questlines would be broken down into apprentice / journeyman / master / grandmaster levels. which would allow you to upgrade weapons from rusty to normal and normal to sharp / precise. and the grandmaster option would allow you to possibly create a level 80+ weapon.

The catch would be that you need raw materials as well as the skill set to accomplish the task. So lets say upgrading a rotting club to a club would require 2 wood as well as at least a minimum skill of 10 in repair.

Now to go from a club to a club with a nail it would make sense that you need lumber as well as a nail, but requiring that you are able to build a ranch house seems a bit much, so there would have to be some moving around of tradesman items with different jobs. perhaps you could find a nail while putting up posters as well?

To me I like the idea that if you allocate your skills right perhaps an adventurer could build some decent weapon, and even more perhaps it would be easier for a builder to get to grandmaster status and then unleash pain with the new grandmaster weapons allow for more revenge from previous attacks... Perhaps I should start a new thread for this idea and flush it out more, I just wanted to add my comments here to agree that I think some sort of element like this should be added to the game.



i dont like the idea points...4 and 5...every town would havethe same...and a precise pepperpox would be everywhere


i dont like the idea points...4 and 5...every town would havethe same...and a precise pepperpox would be everywhere

the products and money needed to up the weapons will equal the amount
example- worn out slingshot costs $26 reg. slingshot costs $63
the value of products will equal to $37.0($63-$26)
it will be balance. if you want up a precise pepperbox then you need to spend same money as you would for it in gunsmith


Great Idea

Also make so the builder earns cash and Xp determined by the level of the product being upgraded and the level of the builder and make it very rare possiblilty based on level to give a unique item on upgrade only on the superior items and make it a percentage that it can occur.



Dee's idea would help all the classes, not just duelers and soldiers.

Any chance we could call this to vote? This is a great idea!!:D


ye it would help duelers and soldiers more (saying this as a pure builder , doesnt matter what weap i got, I still lose xD) :sad:


Folks, no idea is going to appeal 100% to any given class, but in this case I don't think that duelers or soldiers are going to have a significant advantage over any of the other character classes. Face it, even if this idea never makes it to the "proverbial" development drawing board, those duelers and soldiers you are so worried about will still get those better weapons via a shopping trip. Anyone would, including you. The purpose of Dee's original post was to propose an idea that would be advantageous to towns that did not get all the good weapons during the building up of the town. Besides, if you are "pure builders" why should it even matter? None the less, this is still a damn fine idea!! It has my vote.
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