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Like The H word ....:eek:hmy:

I think that would probably be taking it too far though :)


nah, im talking about huckkleberrys and other lower known weapons, not the hernando's sword so it would have a small chance of it becoming a named weapon if tis the right weapon being upgraded. add some chance into the mix instead of knowing whats gonna happen like jobs.


Named weapons will already be available in forts. I doubt the devs will give us another way to get them.


This idea reminds me the jewellery system in WOW
Would there be any further upgrades about Holes for Jewellery in the Blacksmith ?

Umm...those Jewelleries Could be inlaid to the weapons or gears that give bonus effect or skill points. And If you have premium , you can use them to buy special Jewelleries with unique effect. :D

Other Jewelleries could come from doing "mining XXX" series or "Gems stone search".


this aint WoW. simply upgrade items in the game and move on. it doesnt have to be a fashion problem and why would u want to make duelers more powerful?


Yes , i know , i am just asking and give suggestions.
Why would u think that i wanted to make duelers more powerful ?
No, i dont have that idea, what i mean about unique effects could be faster building speed or +1 energy restoration or +10 hitpoints restoration or +5% moving speed, etc.
That doesnt equal to unique effects must related to enhancing the ability of duelers.
Perhaps developers could consider about it , but this is not my idea.


The idea is just to give players a chance to upgrade a crappy weapon to a better weapon. From Rusty to regular to Sharp or Precise. No extra features, no special bonuses. No leaving town to shop for a better weapon. You can do it from your own town.


Well-Known Member
Great idea [again] Dee. May also be possible to extend to General Store or even Tailor, although the name wouldn't suit those :p


I was just thinking of the Gunsmith because if you have a horrible Gunsmith your duelers are really screwed. Hard to attract or keep duelers if they can't get the weapons they need because all the weapons are rusty. Other gear can be purchased other places as usually your stores will have something the duelers can use to their advantage.


*sigh* Stop trying to hijack this thread. If you want to suggest something that improves it, fine, but I'm getting sick of "omg omg omg we need more bonuses!"


just a little idea
can we make some thing like:
-a normal cloth can be upgrade into a fancy one:D


New Building - Blacksmith

Level 1 - allows 5% faster horse speed
Level 2 - allows 10% faster horse speed
Level 3 - allows 20% faster horse speed
Level 4 - allows upgrading of weapons from Rusty to regular weapon
Level 5 - allows upgrading of weapons from regular to Sharp/Precise

The Blacksmith would almost function as a Quest Giver in order to partake of it's benefits. To make the requirements fair for melee and ranged players I suggest the following:

For faster horses:

  • Melee would have to bring 4 horseshoes to the blacksmith. Job Shoeing Horses - 92 difficulty and 22% product find
  • Ranged would have to bring 3 maps to the blacksmith. Job Exploration - 111 difficulty, 15% product find

  • Upgraded horse speed is horse specific for the one you have equipped. If you buy a new horse you have to upgrade that horse by giving the blacksmith the required products.
  • There will also be a fee to upgrade your horse. The price would be 10% of the purchase price of your horse.
  • If you upgrade the same horse from 5% to 10% the percentages are not cumulative. Your horse will not be 15% faster, only 10% faster from its normal speed.
For weapon upgrades:

  • Melee would bring the blacksmith 10 Iron Rods. Job Iron Mining, Difficulty 176, 38% product find.
  • Ranged would bring 5 Dynamite. Job Transporting Ammo, Difficulty 144, 5% product find.

  • Weapon upgrades are weapon specific for what you have equipped. If you buy a new weapon you must upgrade the new weapon separately.
  • There will be an additional fee to upgrade your weapon. If you upgrade a Rusty to a regular weapon, the fee will be the difference between the 2 purchase prices of that weapon. Example: Rusty Razor to Razor. Rusty Razor costs $64, Razor costs $146. You will be charged $82 to upgrade the Rusty Razor.
  • You can not upgrade a Rusty Razor to a Sharp Razor. You must first upgrade it to Razor. Then you can upgrade it to Sharp Razor.
  • You must meet the minimum level requirements in order to carry your new weapon. If you do not you will not be allowed to upgrade the weapon.
Foreigners can use the services and it would work like a regular shop. The last 2 completed levels of the Blacksmith would not be accessible to foreigners (they can't upgrade weapons). Foreigners would pay 4x the regular fee but the number of products to be gotten remains the same. A percentage of services purchased by foreigners would go to the treasury.

An example of how it would work:

You go to the blacksmith because you want to make your Pony go 10% faster. You click on the Blacksmith and he will ask you if you are there to have your horse fitted or for weapon upgrades. You choose the horse fitting 10% faster option. At this point you will get a quest like screen. The blacksmith will say something like "Bring me 4 horseshoes and $50" and the reward would be your Pony gets 10% faster speed tacked on to its current speed. You go out and do Shoeing Horses until you have 4 horseshoes and make sure you have $50. You go back to the blacksmith, open up the quest like window again and click 'Complete Transaction" or something like that. Your Pony will now have a speed of 60% rather than 50%. The horseshoes and $50 is deducted from your inventory and bank account.

It is just a basic outline. I know it needs tweaked.
This would be amazing - yes!


Quest Ideas for the Blacksmith

I like the idea but you can't expect upgrading of firearm weapons on a blacksmith. One possible scenario is that the blacksmith is where you buy and upgrade melee weapons and you buy and upgrade firearms in the gunsmith.

I think this is an excellent idea but I think Bill is right about secluding melee upgrades to the blacksmith and ranged weapon upgrades to the gunsmith. His thought is quite logical.

Although this idea is great and it stands solid all on it's own, it does leave things wide open for quest giving ideas. I am not trying to Bogart here but some of my thoughts are...

After Level 1 Blacksmith is built
Supplies for the New Smithy
Quest 1a - Coal Mining (8 hrs) to get coal for the Blacksmith's furnace.
Quest 1b - Repair Fences (1 hammer) for the Blacksmith to use.
Quest 1c - Iron Mining (20 Iron) making future products. (i dunno)

After Level 2 Blacksmith is built
Helping Hand (Building a Buckboard Wagon)
Quest 2a - Felling Trees (10 wood) for wagon construction
Quest 2b - Iron Mining (4 Iron) for making the wheels.
Quest 2b - Felling Trees (8 wood) for making the wheels.
Quest 2c - Building a ranch house (10 nails) putting the wagon together.

Upon completing this quest players could be awarded the wagon to extend 6 available slots for hauling stackable items. This would coincide with the planned roadmap which will restrict the total number of items allowed in the characters backpack. The wagon could be pulled by, lets say, two donkeys or two horses and increase the character's overall traveling speed by 5%.

After Level 3 Blacksmith is built
The Railroad Bridge
Quest 3a - Exploring (6 hrs) surveying the land for the bridge location.
Quest 3b - Transporting Ammo (6 dynamite) to clear the area for building the bridge.
Quest 3c - Felling Trees (20 wood) for the bridge construction.
Quest 3d - Iron Mining (10 Iron) for the bridge construction.
Quest 3e - Building Bridge (20 hrs)
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Yes I like the idea very much. Any thought about the blacksmith providing tools for the workers. For example Builders could ask for wheelbarrow, and wheelbarrow wheel repairs, wrought iron gates and fences. Builders will need specialized hammers that can be rusty, ordinary or special and could be upgradeable for a price. Also punches, chisels , screws,nuts,bolts,rivets,fishing hooks, rock crushers,plane - rusty,ordinary and special. Plough for farming, hoe -club, diamond head hoe. Water trough on the farm, door latches, doorknockers, anvil, vices, watering can. We could be asked to supply the blacksmith with coke as part of the payment to make the items for you. We could supply the silver or gold to make the silver or gold jewelery and tea sets, skeleton keys and belt buckles. How about a cart for the horses to pull or even to put our inventory in so it can be transported from place to place and allow a larger inventory that does not slow the horses too much.Just a few thoughts to offer for your consideration.


I like the idea and agree with blacksmith melee weapons, tools and shoeing horses; Gunsmith for firearms.
The quest add-on suggested by myownenemy would be a great addition, IMHO.
I think the increasing speed of horses is a good idea, as is.

I have one other suggestion which I think would make it a little more palatable to some:
There is a small percentage chance that the weapon/tool will be ruined, say 2-5%. There is a slightly larger chance that it will be dropped a level (regular to rusty) say 5-8%. This way there is some (albeit small) risk involved and would make people give serious consideration to doing it.
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