you be the judge


ok here is how it goes once a week someone will pick a celebrity that has done something in the past week or so, that got them in the news, and we will give our opinions on said person and event.

a few rules.

1. no bashing a person for the answer they give.
2. stay on the said person
3. you may change the event if it involves the person

ok well I think we should start off with a man we have all heard of in the past week or so about.

Perez Hilton

if you do not know who he is here he is

and this is what the controversy is over


not much to be said the guy is a duche. he called her a stupid [so and so] because she disagreed with gay marage
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He asked her opinion, she told her opinion, then he got butthurt over said opinion because it contradicted his opinion on the topic. I don't see why a contestant should need to pander to tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny portions of the population to win.


I've never heard of him, and judging from the responses so far, I think I'd rather keep it that way.


If she represents the US then she represents everyone. That includes homosexuals. I'm not sure what you classify as tiny but a significant (not overwhelming of course) part of the population is gay. For instance, about 400,000 people in the US have Multiple Sclerosis. That is far fewer the number than homosexuals in the US. If Miss California had voiced an opinion that anyone with MS should not have the right to marry then there would have been a huge uproar over it.


There's a big difference between being gay and having MS. Maybe you could change that to natural blondes? People can hide the fact that they're gay or blonde, and both carry a stigma among a large group of people. On the other hand, I have MS and have never been married, so forbidding it wouldn't be a big deal to me :dry: I wouldn't be surprised if the number of natural blondes was a lot lower than the number of people with MS...


Miss Cali said:
Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other-uh, we live in a land that you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage, and you know what, in my country-er-my family I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman-no offense to anybody out there but that's how I was raised and that's how I think that it should be; between a man and a women, thank you.

She isn't one of the idiots from the Westboro Baptist Church who spout about god sending the evil gays(evil happy people?) to hell because they're sinners, and she never imposed her beliefs on the gay population(Which some estimates claim is roughly the same size as the red head population in the states).
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She didn't go that far. She did say in an interview today she thinks being gay is a choice, that people aren't born that way. I would say that even though she was smart enough not to say gay people will go to hell, I am pretty sure she thinks along the lines of gay people will go to hell and that they can change if they want to.
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It is a choice, you can choose to act or not to act on an attraction to the same sex irregardless of genetic and environmental factors.


I can't believe I even bothered looking into this story, considering the people involved. The fact is that Perez Hilton makes his living from being a gossip (insert the word he called Miss Cali here).

The girl was asked a question. She answered with her honest opinion. Even though her opinion totally sucks, I don't think she can be faulted for being honest. And if Perez Hilton had even half a brain he'd realise that the only thing he is doing is making her the poster child for all the people who share her opinion. And she makes a pretty nice poster child.

He obviously doesn't care about gay marriage or about "uniting the country" (as he said Miss America is supposed to do) as much as he cares about getting attention.

And now I have to go take a shower for knowing anything that is going on with Perez Hilton. It is bad enough that I know he exists.


It is a choice, you can choose to act or not to act on an attraction to the same sex irregardless of genetic and environmental factors.

Wow. I really can't believe you said that. So it's okay to be gay as long as you never act on it because the real choice is acting on it. So I guess gay people should just force themselves to date people they aren't attracted to. Maybe they should get married to the opposite sex and be miserable the rest of their lives because they are hiding who they truly are. Oh wait, that is what has historically been done by the LGBT community for years. Or are you suggesting they just not have sex at all and be celibate all their lives?

Next time you find yourself attracted to someone just tell yourself you have no right to feel that way because not everyone would understand or accept that relationship. People might call you bad names and tell you that you are going to hell. Then turn around and find someone you are not attracted to at all, someone that might well make you feel sick if you had to even kiss them and convince yourself to date them. Not because you want to or that you feel attraction for them, but to please society. Yeah, have all the sex you want with that person.

The issue has nothing to do with Perez Hilton or Miss California. The issue is whether or not citizens that live in the same country, specifically the US in this case, should all have the same rights. If we are all truly created equal then we should all have equal rights. This is a country where 11 year old boys are hanging themselves because they are being taunted at school and being called gay, where you hear time and again from gay people that they knew at a very young age they were gay, where lovers that have been together for decades are denied the right to visit each other in the hospital should one fall ill, and where homosexuals are victims of violent hate crimes. Homosexuals aren't out to recruit for their ranks or tear down the institution of marriage. They just want the same rights everyone else has. I don't think that is a bad thing. If you really want to protect the sanctity of marriage then ban divorce.


He obviously doesn't care about gay marriage

actuaslly i think its the exact oposite i think they are agressivly in favor of it otherwise they wouldent have even bloged it . the problem is that thier actions has actually hurt the cause


I could care less who this Perez Hilton person is, but it's obvious he lacks any credibility or class if he has to resort to insulting a woman to drive his ratings.

My thoughts are: It is not okay for anyone to impose their will on others for disagreeing on sexual preference. It is not okay to accept the bigotry of one person, a thousand, or a million. Miss California counts for one vote. One vote that will undoubtedly be posed against homosexuals getting married. One vote that will attempt to enforce her values on others. One vote that was heard by many other votes, each of which will feel empowered by her bigotry and gross ignorance.

Quoting myself from a blog I wandered into sometime back ---
Civil Union
Marriage is falsely argued as a religious institution. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage in a government. It is a legal/binding agreement and adjudicated by an elected official, usually a "judge." Marriage is not about the performance of "SEX," it is not about the union under God, it is about the declaration of a commitment between two persons to maintain a monogamous relationship. In fact, it is more...

There are many benefits to having agreements set between two persons: One is increasing "trust" and thus decreasing stress, another is substantially decreasing the possibility of contracting a venereal disease, And yet another is ensure joint ownership/responsibility. To quote Marie Gallagher, "In every complex society governed by law, marriage exists as a public legal act and not merely a private romantic declaration or religious rite."

State and religious authority acknowledges marriage as an institution of interpersonal relationships, often viewed as a contract. There are a variety of reasons for entering into marriage, but they are usually legal, social, and/or economic. Marriage is a legal status conferred & recognized by governments. What occurs at a religious institution is a "ceremony" not required by, nor dictated by, government laws.

Tolerance - Not Enough
There is a prevalent misnomer of thought existing in America right now: Tolerance. Intolerance was the problem of the 60's and before. Tolerance was the problem of the 80's. But Tolerance needs to be left behind... and the mindset of tomorrow needs to be "Acceptance." Why? Because to be intolerant is to judge, find guilty, and then to incarcerate, while tolerating is judging and finding guilty, yet allowing the perceived guility to roam in a pseudo-freedom, a lifelong probation. Acceptance, on the other hand, is to NOT judge, leaving the task of judgement deferred to whatever higher being (if any) and allowing people to co-exist in 'real' freedom -- free from persecution and/or the threat of persecution.
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I've always thought it was rather ironic that most people who oppose same sex marriages say it's for religious reasons. The fact is that they can already have the "religious" ceremonies, I've known several couples who have had commitment ceremonies (both heterosexual and homosexual couples) because they couldn't do the legal marriages for various reasons. The legal aspect should have nothing to do with morals or religion, I believe that's what separation of church and state is all about (or should be). I don't really see any good reason for anyone to be against it.

I don't believe that I have any more right to tell someone else that they can't live with, love and share bank accounts, homes, children, etc, with anyone they choose than they would have to tell me that I have to do any of those things with anyone. I may not want to live the lives they live, but I doubt they'd care much for mine either. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life.


actuaslly i think its the exact oposite i think they are agressivly in favor of it otherwise they wouldent have even bloged it . the problem is that thier actions has actually hurt the cause

The fact that he is hurting the case was my point. And yes, I'm sure he is in favour of it, but I stand my my position (based on his behaviour and what he does for a living) that he cares about the spotlight more. The guy made his millions (and gained his "fame") from nasty Hollywood gossip. His "commentary" would be hard pressed to rise above the level of the Jerry Springer show. It is just that the characters in it are prettier.

I could care less who this Perez Hilton person is, but it's obvious he lacks any credibility or class if he has to resort to insulting a woman to drive his ratings.

My thoughts are: It is not okay for anyone to impose their will on others for disagreeing on sexual preference. It is not okay to accept the bigotry of one person, a thousand, or a million. Miss California counts for one vote. One vote that will undoubtedly be posed against homosexuals getting married. One vote that will attempt to enforce her values on others. One vote that was heard by many other votes, each of which will feel empowered by her bigotry and gross ignorance.

I am completely in agreement with you, Hellstromm. But the fact is she does have a vote. And she got put in a position where she was asked for her opinion and she gave it, and she is entitled to do that too. Is her opinion stupid, and wrong in both senses of the word? Yes. Does that make her a, er... the word Hilton called her? No.

So yes, she is out there empowering people with the same stupid opinion. But the reason she is getting so much airtime to do it that is because a high profile sleaze blogger deliberately created the controversy. Her position on the issue is loathsome, but his behaviour is lower. As is the behaviour of all those who spend their time reading Hollywood gossip and cattily talking about the downfalls of celebrities.

Sadly, that seems to be an enormous number of people.

And Gizmo, while the premise of this thread is interesting, if it has only to do with "celebrity news", I'm stepping out. Because that essentially makes this thread one of gossiping about lies. I've met plenty of celebrities, I have friends who are celebrities and I've even dated a celebrity. And the fact is that anyone who doesn't actually know them doesn't know anything at all.


And Gizmo, while the premise of this thread is interesting, if it has only to do with "celebrity news", I'm stepping out. Because that essentially makes this thread one of gossiping about lies. I've met plenty of celebrities, I have friends who are celebrities and I've even dated a celebrity. And the fact is that anyone who doesn't actually know them doesn't know anything at all.

I just figured it would be interesting to see what people thought about the said person in the event. that I put in the few rules.

if you would like to see an interesting youtube video on it PM me. I will not post it on here due to Adult Language. and I know we have young kids on here that is the reason I am not posting it.

Edit: and my brother has a friend that his sister extraed in the dark night
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if you would like to see an interesting youtube video...

I don't watch youtube. I didn't even watch those you linked to. I did a google search and looked at the the coverage and the transcripts.


I'm not paticularly bothered about her opinion, she said what she believed. Gay marriage is one of those grey areas, and I don't want to comment in detail on it because it will raise more of an arguement (but for the record I'm not opposed), but I will say a few things.

-People should fall in love based on their feelings, not on pressure to keep inline with family opinions/taunting from others.

-"It is a choice, you can choose to act or not to act on an attraction to the same sex irregardless of genetic and environmental factors."
Dr FP, technically it is a choice whether to act on these urges, but not one they should be denied. Would you be happy if you never acted on urges you felt towards females? Also, as said, so gay people should just fall in love with people they're not attracted to?

-What Denisero says is also very true. The amount of idiots using gay as an insult, no respect for feelings at all.

On the topic of Mario Lavandeira, the guy's a moron, just an average attention seeker. As Violette said, it's bad enoguh to know he exists.
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This guy is shocking...
I'm not paticularly bothered about her opinion, if there's no free will then eh. Gay marriage is one of those grey areas, and I don't want to comment in detail on it because it will raise more of an arguement (but for the record I'm not opposed), but I will say a few things.
-People should fall in love based on their feelings, not on pressure to keep inline with family opinions/taunting from others.
-"It is a choice, you can choose to act or not to act on an attraction to the same sex irregardless of genetic and environmental factors."
Dr FP, technically it is a choice, but then as said, so gay people should just fall in love with people they're not attracted to?
-What Denisero says is also very true. The amount of idiots using gay as an insult, no respect for feelings at all.

On the topic of Perez Hilton, the guy's a moron, just an average attention seeker. As Violette said, it's bad enoguh to know he exists.

do you also know Perez Hilton is no his real name eather it is Mario Lavandeira