World 6 dueler


Well I just started World 6 and I want to be a pure dueler but I am seeing there isn't much point in dueling straight away as not many people can duel due to the lack of a mortician.

But what should I do to prepare to be a duelist? Should I put all of my skill points towards the dueling skills such as appearance, vigor, aim , etc or should I progress gradually balancing my skill points so I can do jobs and quests, etc


it depends upon you...but bein prepared before you become level ten and change class to a dueller isnt bad...



Nashy (as himself)
I suggest that you work and duel at the same time, pick a skill like appearance (slight benifit) or any other skill that will give you a nice choice of jobs and focus on it. Find the skill that gives the most benifit (best jobs/effects), once you have done that put some skill points on the skills you've left such as aim, shooting/vigor, health and reflex. By level 40 you should have 20-45 on them skills.

Because your going to be working as well as dueling (which helps with motivation) choose a class like adventurer or solider depending on the benefits that fit you and your future jobs best.

It helps if you can find a job to aim towards that requires a main dueling skill.


even pure dueler would have a nice job depends on attribute you are focusing..

for example,
dexterity build would have cowboy, branding cattle, breaking in horse, etc
mobility build would have repair fences, sawing wood, installing a barbed wire fences, etc

this is my opinion
a dueler doesn't need single charisma (tactics or dodge)
if you have skill for tactics/appearance, put it on dodge instead
dodge = appearance + tactics

but.. well.. dueler is a class of freedom..
you can put your skill and attribute freely and it still fine..


I wouldn't suggest spreading your skills out to get better jobs.

Train to be a dueller and do whatever jobs you've got available to you (which as bozzisme has pointed out, you will have some good jobs available) until more towns get built up a little more.

I suggest this because I believe that in training skills specifically to counter this short term problem, you'll end up paying the price in the long term, either by being weak or by having to pay to redistribute your skills (and if you train any non-essential duelling skills to a high enough level to be worthwhile, you will be paying big).