World 11


I had started an account on world 11, 12-21-2009 but never did really tried to play it until 6-20-2013. The place where the game place me is in the eastern bottom corner, the only area I can play is where the game started me which I can walk north to south, east to west in about 30 seconds or less the rest of the map is covered with clouds, this limits the jobs that I would be able to do :( will this go away when I progress through the game or not?

Currently I am level 8 and don't think I have saw a tutorial which I may be wrong about this.
I have searched the forums and have not ran across any forums on this subject that I could find.
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Well-Known Member
You should be able to travel to just about anywhere on the map. The cloud-covered area is of now an unknown feature, so no one can access it.


You have to complete the tutorial to get rid of the movement restrictions


"fog of war" is a new feature in 2.04 and is removed after tutorial quests.


Well-Known Member
That will probably be why I wasn't aware of it haha. I haven't started a new character since 2.04 was released.


I think I lost my horse in the fog, wait I don't have a horse yet :laugh:
Thanks FricFrac