world 10


hey everybody,I'm here asking for some experienced players who will be playing world 10 as duelers/soldier or builders. i have been planning to have a great town,which will have the best duelers,best builders and build the best empire! i have already got 20 member who are the top on their classes on other worlds,who have lot of experaince! so if you would love to join us empire on world 10,please send a telegram to me on (Atothek) on world 5,6,or 8.
every experienced player is welcomed! i'm ready to answer any question.



You think that world 10 is coming soon?
World 8 and 9 aren't even 1 month old.
You need wait for like a month or more for playing on world 10.


yes i know,it will take something like that, but iam so excited about it!


ill join =) im in sin city on world 8 and im ranked 20 in setting traps =)