Work products


Work products

Work products are items that you can find only while working specific jobs. They cannot be purchased. They do not give any skill or attribute points, but they are often needed to complete quests. When you work on a job for 30 minutes you have the stated probability to find the work product for this job. If you work for 2 hours you could find four items if you are really lucky. "It is possible to equip items. They don't do anything, but they look good."

"It is possible to equip items. They don't do anything, but they look good."Now this is what I would propose to change. I know the developers have already started down this path with the item sets. The pitchfork is used for the farmer's set, tequila for the Mexican set, etc... Also, with the "upcoming" forts you will be able to use wood, coal, and whatever else to build the fort. Don't get me wrong, I love this, but let's investigate this a little further...

I think this could be further used in doing jobs. Let's say for example you go and Repair fences for an hour and you receive a hammer! Great! You go and turn it in for a quest or cash it in or leave it in your backpack because you won't sell anything (even though you have 200 wood from clearing the forest!)

Now wait a minute? You have a hammer! Why can't you put that hammer in the product spot and use it for Setting up telegraph poles? Or even use it for Building coffins! Let's face it "If I had a hammer..." If you know the song you'll think it's funny.

Also, when Transporting prisoners use Handcuffs for Pete's sake! And if you're Trading with Indians, tobacco, might not be a bad idea to use to trade.

Anyway, that's the idea and here's what I would like:

When doing a job such as Building coffins using a hammer would increase:

Wages: 3%
luck: 6%
XP: 2%
Danger: -5%

Let's face it, if you're going to be building coffins and have a hammer you'll do a better job and should get more money, better items, more XP, and less chances of getting hurt. I didn't go for crazy increases in wages, etc... but enough to have you want to use the proper product for the job. Also, the % would change with the jobs and products to keep the XP, etc... gained balanced.

Basically, each product would be used for multiple jobs, such as the fishing rod for stream fishing and river fishing.

I think this would add a new twist to the game and make people think twice before doing jobs.


I think it is a good idea. I made a similar forum today (June 9th), but didn't think about that possibility for them.

By the way, my forum is "Products with a Purpose".