

Hello everyone.
If you're looking for a town then look no further than Woodenbong.
It might look like a silly name but it's actually a genuine town in Australia.

We are currently accepting any classes into town.
Our residences are expanding as we speak and more room will be available shortly. The hotel is already up and running but it might get crowded in the Janitor's Closet. We will also have a Mortician built very soon for all you duelers.

If you wish to join our town then please contact Bratzoo or one of our other hats.

See you all soon.


Tailor level 2 completed, Clint's Poncho and Fancy Cap discovered.
Gunsmith level 2 almost complete and the new level of Residences has created more room for people like you.

Come on over and join us.


The town is going very well, we have new arrivals daily.
Great items available in our shops.

We are seeking pure builders....we know you guys are out there so come and join us.


Plenty of high quality items added to our shops.
Our builders are constructing the town fast.
If you want to have lots of fun and enjoy talking to your fellow town members then look no further than WOODENBONG.

See you soon.


Fancy Leather Hat, Fancy Dress Coat, Fancy Shoes and Fancy Boots now available.


We're now members in 2 forts, come and help us upgrade them.