Wondering if this is possible...

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I think I scared people with my profile template list for my RPG. :blink:

Profile Template: ( Will post it if approved!)

Name: (Within reason, please! Names such as Envy Bella Crimson or Vinny Stampthenoob are unacceptable. )
Age: (22 +)
Race: (I do not allow characters who are demons, demi-gods or angels)
Occupation: (not everyone is rich….some of us have to be farmers and butchers, eh?)

Physical characteristics:

Height (Variety is good! It’s tedious when everyone is 6 feet or taller.)
Build: (Be creative, please. It simply makes the RPG lose credibility when everyone looks as though they have stepped out of a music video.)

Analysis: This should include information concerning the following:

Jobs (past and present)
Important events in their past
Information on their personality and psychological makeup, if you want a challenge !

(Please check your grammer by using Microsoft Word or any spellcheck program. 5/6 sentence paragraphs only!)

Just need some friendly advice as to whether or not I am being an absolute dictator.......ugh.....


I think it's the bit where you ask for a biography.
I think most people just want to play and make stuff up as they go along.

And the asking for 5/6 paragraph posts is a bit much, too.
The familiar RP where you're Rowan is going just fine with 1/2 sentences each post.


I think it sounds about right compared to what a lot of RPGs require.


Thanks guys! I guess I've just been in one too many rpgs where the backgrounds for characters were so.....for lack of a better word......wooden that it was difficult for me to at least get an idea of where they are coming from. I also blame the fact that I'm an author and have a compulsive habit of writing very detail-oriented biographies.

Shortening my profile templates a bit to this:

Profile Template: ( Will post it if approved!)

Name: (Within reason, please! Names such as Envy Bella Crimson or Vinny Stampthenoob are unacceptable. )
Age: (22 +)
Race: (I do not allow characters who are demons, demi-gods or angels)
Occupation: (not everyone is rich….some of us have to be farmers and butchers, eh?)

Physical characteristics:

Height (Variety is good! It’s tedious when everyone is 6 feet or taller.)
Build: (Be creative, please. It simply makes the RPG lose credibility when everyone looks as though they have stepped out of a music video.)
Biography: (time-period appropriate, but have FUN! :D )

(Please check your grammer by using Microsoft Word or any spellcheck program.
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hey ...i admire authors

not everyone has a talent to wriTe T_T


The important thing is to try. Eleven years ago, I had zero talent for writing and was convinced I could never improve. Don't be so hard on yourself. Even if you have to scribble stick figures and write stories about them, good! It helps you practice!


geee tat makes me cry T_T

alright i will try hard to put 'h' on certain words.....and yes....sleep only 8 hours a day :D

btw...Race: (I do not allow characters who are demons, demi-gods or angels)

how about devils disguising as angels? are you allowin them :D


They classify as demons/devils, I'm afraid.
But a mortal who has angel or demon blood should be allowed, assuming it doesn't give him incredible powers.

Eg. Guy with devil blood in his veins: never been known to miss a shot.
Not allowed: Guy with angel blood: Can cause a pair of wings to sprout.


Cool idea....though it doesn't fit with the type of universe I'm brewing. :)

*hides and waits for certain death*

However, I am including monsters of a sort, as well as some slight amounts of magic. It's mostly a historical RPG with a light touch of horror/supernatural. Huzzah for genre blending!
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Well, there doesn't have to be magic in the RPs.
People could just say:
"I've never seen Lassen miss a shot, ever."
"I once saw him blow up a hardtack biscuit from 300 feet away."
"It's like he's a demon!"
And then, a bit more gossip later...
"Did you hear the rumor about Lassen over there? They say that he has the blood of demons in his veins. He's never missed with a bullet."


Good point. :D

You do realize you've just come up with a great bit of dialogue and mystery there, right? :D

I <3 it.
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No, you haven't.
They just spout off every now and then, don't mind them.

Go ahead and stick to the RP section, you might become deputy sheriff there someday.


No, you haven't.
They just spout off every now and then, don't mind them.

Go ahead and stick to the RP section, you might become deputy sheriff there someday.

Jordon pro'lly won't be willing to share his position there though... And he may get mad reading that.. :unsure:

*watches for Jordon ready to alert Celxius*


When did I say you'd displace Jordan?
You're both really good!
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