Wolf Pack Creek


Wolf Pack Creek is currently looking for new members.
Current Town Ranking: 111
We have a number of openings and can easily build more residences if need be.
Any class of player is welcome as long as you're active and willing to help the town however active soldiers are particularly sort after.
The town is friendly and relaxed.
We are part of the Wolf Pack Family.
If it sounds like you send a telegram to Footfrog and I'll send out an invite.


Town now ranked 105.

Still a few spaces available.

Facilities include
Town Hall level 10
Residence level 6
Bank level 4
Hotel level 5
Gunsmith level 7
Tailor level 6
General Store level 7

Also included is a friendly relaxed bunch of people.
Come and visit and you'll decide to stay.


Still space for a few more.

And we've got a fort now.
Last edited by a moderator:


I'm looking for a town. I'm only level 8, but very active. I should be a builder in a day or two.


Limited space still available.
Invites available if you're over level ten.
If you've not got to level ten message me in game to reserve a space.


Still a few spaces available for soldiers or duelers.

Workers and adventurers will be considered if of a high level.