where can we find the town of "ghost town"


where can we find the town of "ghost town" in w9?

I cannt see it anywhere```:eek:


Yeah I've just checked and the founding towns are, as of this time not in their usual positions.

Has anyone spotted one yet? They may have decided to make alterations for the new world?


Ill leave this open, so people know they are here. Please keep spam away from here.


Incase you don't know normal places...

Far East. One in each of the 4 far east squares. Click on the Globe in the bottom left of "The West Screen" and it'll be far right side.


Wait... what? there are towns? I cant see any, in any of the east squares...

Neeever miind. They're sneaky
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yep very sneaky.. you have to look real carefully for those greyish blobs


towns that have been abandoned by all members.

A town that has no members left in it.

These are nice towns and could be beneficial as if you are not in a town you can become a founder of a ghost town.

A lot of the time the town has been built up a little so which means you save on some building time.


There's a crossover between concepts here.

Initially when the world begins there are no player towns with hotels for people to rest in. So the game has a "founding town" near the east edge of each of the eastern regions. They show up on the minimap as the same grey as ghost towns but cannot be taken over or used for anything except staying in the hotel. Once player towns have opened and built their first hotels they no longer serve any purpose but remain on the map.

Normal ghost towns are player built towns that have been abandoned. They show their point score, with 500 being a basic town with no extra buildings. If you choose to take over a ghost town it costs the same as founding a town normally but you get to keep any building work that was already done by the former occupants.