Weekly Lotto returned?


Yeah, i was thinking more along the lines of beating a dead horse. If they're not responding they may not have read the forums or just not interested in replying us at the moment. So just wait and see what happens! :)

Instead of beating a dead horse, have you tried:
Spanking a monkey?
Chocking a chicken?
Porking a pig?

Don't beat the dead horse for goodness sake. He's already dead.


Did you mean choking a chicken?:donkey:
We need to concern ourselves that a lady would correct the spelling of choking a chicken while using a donkey avatar. This is getting quite disturbing....

When's the next lotto?


Yeah, i was thinking more along the lines of beating a dead horse. If they're not responding they may not have read the forums or just not interested in replying us at the moment. So just wait and see what happens! :)

Maybe you should start a new thread in "Games" how many times can you post when is the next lotto? Before the next lotto starts.:laugh:


Roger that.
Got it started.
When is the next lotto started before a lotto starts when a lotto could chuck start?


The organisers will respond in time. I'm not involved with the lotto so I can't give you an estimated time frame, but I'm sure there's a good reason for the delay. Repeatedly asking when the lotto will start is becoming a bit spammy, so please stop doing it so often. :rolleyes:


A week has gone by.

This is not repeatedly asking. This is not spammy.

It was a perfect opportunity for the organizers of the event to post here that it was over and that we could all go home and not expect another one for a while until announced.

Just do us a favor, organizers..... Don't call it "Weekly Lotto".
A more appropriate term for it would be "Haley's Comet Lotto".

Keep up the great work, organizers. I wouldn't give you a hard time if I didn't care about what you bring to the game.



Lmao dei, "haley's comet lotto" :D

but that said I have to agree that we only comment and criticise because we care about the game and want the best out of it for not just ourselves but everyone else that plays - and I think would like to see a resurgance of the game (as hopeful as we might be) with that.