Feedback Update 2.192

Ektoras BOTrini

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure it should be a really easy job for a front end developer to fix.
Yes please , you can make it scrollable as it used to be , especially in speed events with a GM town that has everything, clicking on the arrows might take you somewhere you don't want to go and the number of pages are going through the entire screen.


Well-Known Member
I always point out what Inno does wrong, but in the spirit of fairness I must also say when something is done right. Thats why I came back here, to congratulate the dev who came up with the "new" (already 1 year old, thats more than enough time to have a reflected opinion) FF formulas. Thank you.


Ex-Team Member
I always point out what Inno does wrong, but in the spirit of fairness I must also say when something is done right. Thats why I came back here, to congratulate the dev who came up with the "new" (already 1 year old, thats more than enough time to have a reflected opinion) FF formulas. Thank you.
Yeah cuz fort formulas have changed sooo much in a year. Oh wait they haven't changed at all. What are you talking about?

Harriet Oleson

Well-Known Member
If needed, the official thread is here :

After that, there was also this change about resistance which changed a lot the way resistance is now taken into account compared to before :

Or just before that, there was even this change about the new way xp rewards are now calculated in FF :
(But I personally find it clearer in this message wrote by Syntex (it's drowned in the middle of the feedback about it)):

Lots of changes about FF were made last year.