Trading with Indians problem


there are no quests for trading with Indians on my map or in the quest menu ?
how can i get the cigars now ?


More labor points. Trading with indians takes 224 labor points. The skills needed are:

Setting traps
Trading( 2x )
Appearance (2x)

If it makes you feel any better, I'm level 63 and can not see it either.


but i can do it i have all the points i need plus bonus items and i cant see it on the job menu.?


After you equip your trading with Indians gear, refresh and then look at the mini map.


thats the problem i did and it's not there..nothing..i checked the hole map and i don't see the trading with Indians on it..only trading


look here

Okay, I put on my best set ( still short 125 lp)of clothes and found 2 trading with indians close to you.

The first one is just west of the town intensity to the nw of the tending sheep job and due east from the tending pigs job.

The second one is south west of the town charrua 2 in the triangle formed by the jobs, Mucking out the stables,Shining shoes and Constructing a ranch house.

Don't know what else to say.


It's kind of a bug, it has happened to me too that I can't see a job which I should be able to see.


Okay, I put on my best set ( still short 125 lp)of clothes and found 2 trading with indians close to you.

The first one is just west of the town intensity to the nw of the tending sheep job and due east from the tending pigs job.

The second one is south west of the town charrua 2 in the triangle formed by the jobs, Mucking out the stables,Shining shoes and Constructing a ranch house.

Don't know what else to say.

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