Town hall Is it worth it to raise it?


Im looking at some of the top towns and I noticed that there not leveling there town hall ? Is it because people think the 5 points it gives construction is not worth it? Question and discuss :)


i think it would be good to raise in the long run but i think many towns just want the points atm


cause I was looking and planning, Im thinking hemmm should I or not. im thinking its worth it


I think it depends on whether you have extremely high builders or not ...

Town Hall won't make a huge difference if you have people with 40+ construction skill and have just a couple people building.


I think in the long run people who upgrade there town hall will find it really helps,

as it minimizes the time you work and raises the points faster when you work on them ..


I think that town hall is a pure waist of money and time , bcs you loose more money and work hours than you get in bonus construction points ...
However , that is just my opinion on this matter ...


One way of looking at it is to ask yourself the question "Are we going to max out this town?" Or to look at it from the other angle, are you going to get the bank, shops and residences to their highest level and then be happy with a town hall still at level 1? If you're going to be happy to leave it at that then, yes, it might be seen as a waste to build the town hall.

If, on the other hand, you'd end up building your town until it had the full 42800 points - to get that sense of completion - then sooner or later, you're going to need to build the town hall. If you leave it until last then it'll have given you no benefit. If you build it earlier then it will have helped - perhaps not much, admittedly, but it will have helped nevertheless.

Building the town hall after everything else has been completed - that's the real waste of money.


the only reason to build town hall exept max out the city is if in your town there are small lvl builder so you build it to help them:p


Building the town hall after everything else has been completed - that's the real waste of money.

Not really. It will depend on the needs of the town and its residents. If there is a greater need for the benefits that certain items on the shops will provide, build those first. If there is a need to store money to buy things, build the bank. If there is a need to accommodate more people, build the residences. When there are no pressing needs, build the town hall.

Even if you build your town hall last, the lost time and money from not having it fully built may still be less than the gain from having your townsfolk well-equipped earlier. You have to stay on top of peoples' needs if you want the best growth - building efficiency alone will not solve the problem.


No, really.

I'm not disputing that your efforts earlier on may be better spent elsewhere.

However - if you build your town hall last then the only thing it's giving you is points. If everything else is maxed out and you're spending your time and money building your town hall then that time and money confers absolutely no benefits to the members of your town. You're paying and working purely to get points - which is, in my opinion, a complete waste.


Building the town hall after everything else has been completed - that's the real waste of money.


Too many people care about points. Points are meaningless. If you want to argue that builders are better off with better gear, alright, but once the tailor is level 7 and the general store is level 5, you have the staple cotton jackets and bow ties and the argument becomes meaningless.

I prefer to get more out of my town hall than points, so I don't build it last.