THIRTEEN Fort fights in a 24 hour period!?!?!?


Okay, seriously, whats wrong with us!!?!?!?

Fort name: Black Shine
Points: 9600
Fort battle: Today at 6:46 PM

Fort name: Heart of Oak -InG-
Points: 18000
Fort battle: Today at 7:15 PM

Fort name: Gang green J_E_T_S
Points: 11202
Fort battle: Today at 9:12 PM

Fort name: Fort Legion
Points: 19500
Fort battle: Today at 10:34 PM

Fort name: Deadwood Redoubt
Points: 15400
Fort battle: Today at 10:35 PM

Points: 16800
Fort battle: Today at 10:52 PM

Fort name: My B-day Gift
Points: 9600
Fort battle: Today at 11:04 PM

Fort name: Fort Jericho
Points: 17505
Fort battle: Today at 11:17 PM

Fort name: Ninjas Project
Points: 12700
Fort battle: Today at 11:41 PM

Fort name: Fort Last Stand
Points: 9300
Fort battle: Tomorrow at 1:02 AM

Fort name: NO NAME
Points: 15700
Fort battle: Tomorrow at 1:39 AM

Fort name: shadow station 2
Points: 2079
Fort battle: Tomorrow at 3:06 AM

Fort name: Shadow Bravo
Points: 4764
Fort battle: Tomorrow at 3:33 AM

Is this a new record??

By the way, I am trying to fit in as many battles as possible, assuming I don't pass out... I am traveling to Black Shine first, might even skip it if I feel like it, then move onto fort Legion followed by Fort Last Stand... I am supposed to be fighting the Shadow battles, but turns out to be 0600 hours my local time... so, not likely to happen...

Seriously, 13 battles under "current fort battle"... bit much?


Anyone else having problems logging in to server 11, I think the battles crashed it:p


A big part of this were attacks by The Confederates. This was a mistake on our part. Please ignore these battles, and accept our apologies.


12 pending now, some new ones have been by towns that dont usually initiate fort fights- I am glad to see different names appearing- it's not just the same old same old.


Is this a new record??

Seriously, 13 battles under "current fort battle"... bit much?
Nope, not a record. A bit to much, yes.
Iirc on there were about 40ish battles in a day..

Deleted User - 1278415

Yea black Shine was supposta be legit. and since all the multi battles were called.. people said screw it not going to any.

Then at the end of the day a few more battles were declared by a new town owner of black Diamond.. lol who just went on a fort attack spree and has no affiliation to any alliances.

I know w10 had 29 attacks in 1 day.... that was the day I quit fighting fort battles there unless I was sought out to help defend.


Just another day in the new world 11 with the Confeds calling another bunch of multis. Every world dies at some point, but this happened a lot quicker than I imagined.

The next bunch of nonsense was created by Hunter SM, who stole a town and then went crazy on battles. Apparently, he initially changed the town profile to mock those he kicked and said courtesy of the Confederates. That part is gone now. I have no idea if he really is connected to them or not. Either way, it's just sad when people call battles with no intent to show up, but only in order to make others have to show up to defend.


HunterSM is in no way associated with the Confederates. When I heard he had taken over the town, I assumed it was since the town had died off and not the hostile take over that occurred. Once the truth came out we have separated ourselves from him, and are in no way aligned with this player. We do not condone this type of behavior toward any town, and did not in any way encourage his behavior.

The multiple attacks today were a mistake and one that has been corrected going forward. I can assure you great regret has been felt over these actions. This will not be happening again from the Confederates, and I believe all towns are in agreement that we do not want to play this kind of game. We all want competitive battles, and not more of what happened today. On behalf of my town, please accept our apologies for this mistake.

W11 in my opinion can still be a fun and active world. While the changing of alliances by the Confederates may not have been as diplomatic as I would have liked, I think it can help to balance out the two main alliances in the eastern half of the map and bring some excitement back to the game. I would though like to see some of the more childish behavior come to an end. For the most part we are all adults, let us remember that and act like adults, setting good examples for the youth who are playing along side us.

I would also like to encourage us all to not throw away friendships that we have built over the last 9 months playing together on this world. You may not like our choices or our actions every now and then, but remember the person behind the character has not changed. Just because we now click a different button when signing up for fort battles is not a good enough reason to say to a person I no longer want to talk to you. If we are taking the game that seriously, maybe it is time to set it on vacation mode, step back, and remember we are playing a game.


damn, then i need to start more battles.

do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate
fiddle de dee
being a pirate is so fun to be
do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate

do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate
fiddle de dee
being a pirate is so fun to be
do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate

do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate
fiddle de dee
being a pirate is so fun to be
do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate

do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate
fiddle de dee
being a pirate is so fun to be
do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate

do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate
fiddle de dee
being a pirate is so fun to be
do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate

do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate
fiddle de dee
being a pirate is so fun to be
do what you want cus a pirate is free
you are a pirate
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damn, then i need to start more battles.

Its becoming too obvious that the battles are duds. The only reason why I am attending is to get to my two fort-vet medals, and I have a feeling that people will stop bothering very soon.

You should try and recruit more people, keep declaring wars, bore/frustrate people, and then actually attack properly one day, remember the aesop's fable about the tiger and the shepherd-boy?

Deleted User - 1278415

damn, then i need to start more battles.

Yea you just do that.

I'd say that everyone keep going on with business as normal... declare fort fights even if Hunter does declare fights all day long... just leave the usual 8-10 hour window in between real fights.

Its going to be confusing for awhile until Hunter runs out of cash to declare fort fights...

Ohh and the record for most fort battles is 40 that was set on w1 in 1 day. I dare you hunter.

That goal should help blow through your cash reserves quicker.:laugh:


i've decided to stop doing the fort battles. i have a much bigger master plan ahead of me... mwahahahahahahahahaha MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA...ha...haha...haaa
that is all.


i've decided to stop doing the fort battles. i have a much bigger master plan ahead of me... mwahahahahahahahahaha MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA...ha...haha...haaa
that is all.

So cool, lets all join him. We can create a hunter SM alliance and run around creating multiattacks. And we can send GA/Gaga to all the battles and she can win them byherself with her 10k HP.


So cool, lets all join him. We can create a hunter SM alliance and run around creating multiattacks. And we can send GA/Gaga to all the battles and she can win them byherself with her 10k HP.
/me thinks he would fit in with MissB and Badasssam perfectly ;)