The White Army


Name is subject to change when members get in a chat together, I personally will be a pure builder and already have some friends from other worlds that are going to be joining with me.

Town will be located 3 sectors from the east border and I personally gauruntee that it will go up quickly.

Goal is to be the first town done in world 12 and own the first big fort.

A second town will be started once the first is completed.

If you wish to join please message me or just say so on here.


Hey Logan, if I may, I'd like to join
I wanna try being a pure shooting dueler, so I may not be of use at first, but in the long run, I can help by donating tons of money for builders


We will be happy to have you, I will send you a telegram as soon as I get the town up.


Me and all of my members will be joining Fort Club, message me or gaffey if your interested.