The War with Eagles

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Let me reitirate for those of you who haven't noticed what we are dealing with here this is the leader of the Eagles telegram to me. Will give everyone an idea of why diplomatic channels were never an option.

"Chief Smelly BS Who on earth was stupid enough to send you and some other clowns to hit us?
I guess it was xanthipe or the other ****** righ..........

Come on noob boy........dont duel as a BEEP. like the rest of your you are a real dueler and not a BEEP.......the rest of your town will only have to pay for you being a BEEP if that's your way."

"Quantrillo Today at 1:45 AM
Fun isn't it?"

Chief Smelly BS I wouldn't notice if you noobs hit me with your best shot, so I don't think it can be called fun...

But I'll repeat....what ever moron called you to go and hit us and act like
BEEP, did all of your town a very bad deal....."

"Quantrillo Today at 2:00 AM
Your diplomatic approach needs a bit of refinement.

"Chief Smelly BS Oh pardon me.......I've been getting used to xanthipe, so I was stooping to her level
Ive met a bunch of people one here a lot of them acting like ******ed children, but I can only think of 2 that fits the bill more than xanthipe.....she surely gets you into a alot of trouble that you don't need.....but follow your "master" as you and 1 or 2 others go and attack the 300 of us and see where that gets you."

I'll be straight up with u I have a lot of cash on me from your workers so I ain't proper duelling til I offload it. I'm sure I could take most of your guys, but I definitely couldn't take you or rebelwars just yet."

"Chief Smelly BS Lol noob-------no you couldn't take rebelwars and you wouldn't even try.......the losers from your town prefer to pick defenseless targets and you fit the bill so far"

"Quantrillo You drunk? your mood has changed twice during this conversation =) & no I'm not going to fight a level 44 soldier no matter how much he smacktalks."

"Chief Smelly BS what are you talking about.....You couldn't duel me even if you dared to, but BEEPs like the ones from your town only go for the low levels and only do chicken will only hurt the rest of the town even more....but your kind only think of yourself and not the ones that pay the price for you being cowards"

"QuantrilloI've just agreed with you twice and yet you continue arguing, you must be very drunk??"

Chief Smelly BS You must be more stupid than xanthipe which I thought was impossible. Neihter of you own any communication skills or skills to adapt new knowledge...RIP"

"Quantrillo Oh look the guy that has spent most of this conversation telling me I'm a "BEEP" and a "noob" is teaching me communication skills nice work."

Chief Smelly BS is such a charmer. I am secretly in love with him, I think - as are all the girls playing World 8 by now!

He started attacking me out of the blue, and I questioned him as to why, but he was unable to provide me with any names of builders being attacked by Bat Country.

Now apparently I have grown larger than life! He believes me to direct Bat Country in some way. I'm honored - no, really.

I couldn't be prouder of the haul taken by Quantillo! $3k is nice!

If Eagles builders are unhappy about being hit by BC, then they ought to direct their anger at Chief Smelly BS, who began attacking me on July 1. Although I let him know that I am nothing but a pure builder with no defenses, we were unable to come to an agreement about builders being off-limits.

Side note to Chief Smelly BS: I bet your builders are really really happy about all the warning you gave them for preparing for this war.

Rebelwars, I'm more than happy to provide you with the communications between Chief Smelly BS and I. You can judge for yourself as to what a ****** I am - although I know that's just Chief Smelly BS's pet name for me.


Sorry for my slow response!

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