The One Thing I Would NOT Do Before I Died


David=my enemy???? I am more in belief than the ******* in the Cave in fightclub which was in disbelief that it saw whatshisname still alive in such a cold and frozen wasteland environment!!


Before I die, I will kill Wert with extreme prejudice if he copies me one more time.


I will never forget to thank Johann maximus for speaking for me in this post.

Thank you Johann.


I will never forget that johann likes communists more than he likes me.


The one thing I wont do before I die is kill the Russians, but I WILL kill the Nazi's out there.


And they arn't stupid and didnt make the horrible music known as Gay Los Angels Metal: GLAM.


wert you didn't drink ANY alchohol EVER?
Not even a beer?

I would never [...] slap johann for the sake of my own good.:p:laugh:
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