The Kidnapper - Where's the Scoundrel


The Kidnapper – Where's the Scoundrel?

The Game - Read the Ingame Interstitial for the story and the clues. The scoundrels will not appear in the rankings, but the clues in the story will reveal their location.

Find the Scoundrel and duel him/her to take whatever ransom money he/she is carrying.

The Scoundrel may be attacked repeatedly – and will be available for approximately 2 days, or until KOed. After KO (or about 2 days) the Scoundrel will be finished and no further duels will count.

Those who beat the scoundrel in at least one duel will be eligible for the raffle at that level.

Raffle prizes are a choice between the weapons the scoundrels are carrying or a steel lined box.


Is This quest Broken?

I can find the targets but I cant duel them (message saying that you cant duel players who dont belong to a town)?



I agree with you two, it was easy to find, I'm really annoyed because It seems it's broken and this might be the first time I can actually do a scoundrels event.
Would appreciate it if you could fix this quickly.


Im the only who win against Im A. Ghoul...How can I see if I win or not??