The kidnapper - Results


Level 110
Player|Duel Wins|Total Cash |KO the Scoundrel
dawsy| 2| $15,841 |x
mazort |2 |$10,561|x
Michael Knight| 2| $6,703|x
Ninvil| 5 |$6,265|x
Packing Mayhem |1| $255| yes

level 100
Player|Duel Wins|Total Cash |KO the Scoundrel
zd3no| 1| $13,333 |x
ninvil| 3| $13,410|x
wc1038| 2 |$6771|x
zaroaster|1 |$2,636|x
Wyatt twerp| 2| $2,261| yes
Michael Knight| 1| $1,259|x

Level 90
Player|Duel Wins|Total Cash |KO the Scoundrel
Nevohim| 1 |$11,666|x
DragonsLegacy| 3| $9,666|x
zd3no |1 |$5,185|x
zaroaster |1| $3,457|x
Briljan| 2 |$3,344|x
Truez Gritter| 1| $730|x
pauleto| 1 |$491|x
Mr Long Sleeves| 1 |$218|x
philxc| 1| $146| yes

Level 80
Player|Duel Wins|Total Cash |KO the Scoundrel
Truez Gritter |3| $17,155|x
Misdomingo |2 |$8,200|x
philxc |1| $2,231|x
WAWOFTAM| 1| $942 |yes

Level 60
Player|Duel Wins|Total Cash |KO the Scoundrel
Repeat |1| $10,000|x
Dr. Mortimer Slice| 3| $13,566|x
MattB6373 |1| $2,168|x

Level 40
Player|Duel Wins|Total Cash |KO the Scoundrel
chuck42 |3| $17768|x
Doc Vengence | 1 |$2,516|x
Repeat |1 |$1,949|x
NLAlchemist| 1 |$1,299|x
MattB6373 |1 |$866|x

Level 20
Player|Duel Wins|Total Cash |KO the Scoundrel
-.-? |2| $13,888|x
automatic raffle win
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The winners of the raffle are:

110: Michael Knight
100: zd3no
90: pauleto
Choose between Wyatt Earp's colt buntline and a steel lined box

80: philxc
Choose between Jesse James' Schofield and a steel lined box

60: Dr. Mortimer Slice
Choose between Younger's revolver and a steel lined box

40: MattB6373
Choose between Allen's pepperbox revolver and a steel lined box

20: -.-?
Choose between Huckleberry's slingshot and a steel lined box

Or any of you can have the bear instead if you wish :)