The battle for Fort Tibet MC/Schwartzenagger


Our original plan was to take the large fort and all survivors rush to swarzennegger for the defense. Seeing as we lost the large fort battle, there were no survivors to get across there.

In other words there was a clear lack of planning as in not having a plan B:laugh: If there would have been a plan B, it would have still been possible to defend the second fort.

Also, usually the leadership sifts good fort players, from bad ones by starring before the battle. There will always be problems with players acting for themselves, but that can come under control if the leaders act:)

Anyway, defenders, attackers, IJ, GC, THP, Diablo, MC, and all allies of the opposing, and the victorious, GREAT JOB! You all did your best and thats what counts!!!


Giving credit where it is due. I know Hellstormm would of had to work that little bit harder due to GC being so disorganized. He did a great job and it was a good fort battle.

The battle plan was really good but it just needed that little bit more added to it.


We have a few good battle planners in the MC just as good as Hellstromm

So you saying the MC are rare cos we have taken 4 forts now. :D

even though me from ij...but will have to admit ...u all showed very gud co ordination in the frst battle....and yes ur players are rare who werent afraid to get the beating by standing in front of the gate....unlike many players at our side who were online but not at all moving...all they cared bout was xp....
congrats to u...but i m personally very much frustrated by those kinda people...i m sure u wud also have been if those types were on ur side...

and last but not the least...u wud have won even without putting rimmsi as spy to know the defence strategy..tat was pointless actually....:D


I tired to sign up but the attacker slots were already full :S


even though me from ij...but will have to admit ...u all showed very gud co ordination in the frst battle....and yes ur players are rare who werent afraid to get the beating by standing in front of the gate....unlike many players at our side who were online but not at all moving...all they cared bout was xp....
congrats to u...but i m personally very much frustrated by those kinda people...i m sure u wud also have been if those types were on ur side...

and last but not the least...u wud have won even without putting rimmsi as spy to know the defence strategy..tat was pointless actually....:D

I think rimmsi just picked the wrong side by mistake :rolleyes:

We had your battle plan and chatrooms. Even though we had your battle plan we defended how we did just incase it was a false plan. Its easier to adjust when the battle has started.

I agree i would be frustrated if people just stood there and only thought about themselfs. I did see 1 or 2 GC get up on the tower but the rest was IJ members.

The second fort battle was one of the best fort battles i have seen. Both sides should be proud. Alot of people on both sides had low HP. The attacking side all worked together and move together as one unit well apart from 1 or 2 who was offline.

MC and allies have alot of experience in fort battles and the ones who havent been in one before always asked us for help and we are glad to pass on what we know and try and help them.

We have a public chatroom where town leaders and members come and chat every day, even members of GC come and chat with us. Which is nice to see we all can talk and have a laugh together about whats going on, even if we are enemys. :D


Holding Fort Schwartz looked like a reality early on . . . for a while the numbers were just about even. Then the dam broke and the attackers started probing walls as a group, and were able to whittle the rest of the defense down bit by bit.



Quite frankly, and I'm probably wrong about this, being the ignorant noob
I am, but in the end the fort battle has less to do with planning than it does with the players being willing to jump up on the towers and get ripped full of holes, so that their team wins. MC has more players like that than GC does.