Terror in school!


"oh god shut up would you"she said finding some towels and pulling up his jeans looking at his leg in shock and almost daydreaming but she snapped out of it she then put some of the towels on his leg


He yelled in pain as she put the towel on he shouted through his pain "HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK THIS IS NOT PAINFUL?" he relaxed, his leg tensed and he then said "Put...more pressure...on it" he held his breath to stop him yelling as she did so.


* crouched under a table in an empty calss room*
Who is shooting up the school?
*hears foot steps ouside the door of the class*
Alright this is it
*picks up a large encyclopedia*
come on, im going to bash your head in with a book....rather ironic...
* the door knob turns*
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(lol lol lol lol)

"well that the hell do you think i dont wanna be here either i need to put pressure on it or do you want me to put more pressure on YOU!"she said laughing quietly


He yelled agian, He let out some broken up curse words broken from the pain he was in, he yelled agian as she continued


She gave him a little kiss to shut him up "now is that better"she said giggleing


He blushed ignoring the pain for a split second, he looked up and saw her agian the pain then flodded back over him, he decided to attempt to be quiet to see if he could get anything else out of her, he grunted in pain and layed back down.

"Thanks" he said.


"no probelm i thought a football player like you could handle this looks like your a big baby huh"she said to him lieing against the wall


He was now offended, "Obviously you do not know how much this hurts" he said he was very angary with her now.


"well bug boys and handle big noy things right"she said chuckling


He didn't know how she could laugh, he couldn't he was in pain and that was that, no one could even imagine the pain he was in.


"ok ok im sorry if i offended you"she said playing footies lol


He sat up his leg still throbbing but he began to ignore it and concentrate on something else other than the wound.


he moved the towel and said "Open it up" after she placed her hands on eather side of the wound she pulled them open, almost falling over in pain Ryan picked himself up and dug his fingers into his red-raw wound and dug around, a few seconds later and after huge amounts of exscrutianting pain he pulled out a bullet, he fell to the floor gasping.


She then ran over to him and lied over him and said "are you ok"she then got back up and went over to the sink and grabbed some water in a towel and rubbed in on the wound


"fine" he said, she placed the towel on his wound and the cooling water soothed it, he relaxed agian, he was slowly dropping in and out of conciousness.


"Nothing" he said, what he relie wanted couldn't happen anyway.


"hmm are you sure"seh said knowing what her thought "nevermind then"