St Andrew


Town Name:St Andrew

What classes are required: Mainly duelers with about 3 builder/melee hybrids even though all are welcome but we will probably be a favorite target before too long. So is you don't like the fighting - go play SimCity.

Number of Open Positions: A lot

Town Descriptions: The two founding members are successful dueler classes in world 7. Older than most players (40's) and we are looking for like minded old farts to fill our ranks. We would prefer active players that can check in at least once a day. Respect for fellow members are a basic tenet of our town (the main reason we founded it) and light hearted fun.

Who to contact: Snr Sarg or Unatheo for invites and please include a little bit about yourself when you message.
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I see that a Moderator decided to edit my original post. Thanks. Anyways, The town now has the fancy felt hat a must-have item for duelers everywhere. Thanks for the view.


Our town is very well established but still looking for more active players. Search St. Andrews for the town or me Unatheo. We do duel all worker classes. Catch ya by messaging if you have any further questions or want an invite.