Some events which could be fun


How about ....

Gold Rush. Maybe for a week or two at a time.

Cattle rancher vs. Sheep herders range wars. Towns can take sides and shoot it out.

Bank robberies. Why have a bank if you can't rob it?

Oil Strikes

Train robberies

Natural disasters. Tornadoes, drought, prairie fires

Raids by NPC groups, such as native americans, mexicans, outlaw gangs

Just some random thoughts. Please don't beat me up too badly over them.


Gold Rush. Maybe for a week or two at a time.

Cattle rancher vs. Sheep herders range wars. Towns can take sides and shoot it out.

Bank robberies. Why have a bank if you can't rob it?

didnt mind the above

Train robberies is a job you can do a bit later


the ideas brillent not so with the Natural disasters but everything else brillent


I like the idea about NPC raids. It would provide a function for combat characters in towns as opposed to currently just filling up with builders.


i love ur ideas, theyr awsom, y didnt any1 think up of them b4

the only thing i dont like is natural disasters...


natural disaters would be a good thing i reckon! every day you town could have a 1% chance to be hit, and it would maybe level down any building over level 1. it can't fully destroy any building and can't damage the residency or bank. that would make it more realistic!

also the disasters could include illnesses! they would lower your motivation, no one wants to work when their sick! they wouldn't last long, a couple of hours or maybe days. just make things more interesting...


i like all ideas they are great, i mostly like robbing banks and raids by natives and outlaws, but i don't like the natural disasters thing.


The natural diaster thing is kind of a good but bad but good idea to me.


I think being able to rob a bnak is a great idea, so far the only thing you can do to hurt another town is duel the players, which dosent do much, but if you added this you would also need a way to protect the bank, maybe the level of the bank would make it harder to rob depending on the skills of that person if you know what I mean


I think being able to rob a bnak is a great idea, so far the only thing you can do to hurt another town is duel the players, which dosent do much, but if you added this you would also need a way to protect the bank, maybe the level of the bank would make it harder to rob depending on the skills of that person if you know what I mean

or be able to hier security for the bank.... or have the ability to higher sherifs in town


well there is a sherrif in the town but they haven't said what it is there for


Might be one of those sherrif that does nothing, like the one in the Saloon :)


ok i got an idea...old fashioned corn shucking or barn least you can meet some new people and you get skill points...definitely there should be a way to meet someone even if it is an NPC..


Wow ausome ideas.

specailly robbing banks.
What if the sheriff made it harder to rob banks?
and/or the risk of robbing another towns bank is that you can get put in jail by the sheriff for hours or even days. which would spice things up and stop just everyone trying to rob the bank.

Is there going to be town wars or anything ie what is the point of just dueling and what does it acomplish besides personal gain?
(sorry i come from TW and am used to attacking villages)
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